- Refine results Found 32 results. 50 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: categories. (Clear filters)
Around 35 new clothes for Ellie including shirts , jackets and more
this mod gives Ellie 3 outfits that are not accessible by normal means
Adds around 12 new shirts for joel
Play as Ellie in all Chapters
Joel's Old Hair And Beard replaces his all of his normal hair and beard (replaces on every skin)
- 46.6MB
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Joel's Old Hair And Beard replaces his all of his normal hair and beard (replaces on every skin)
Joel Young Face replaces joels face in game
Wear Joel's jacket throughout the whole game.This mod allows you to play the whole game with the autumn/fall jacket skin.
- 56.3MB
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Wear Joel's jacket throughout the whole game.This mod allows you to play the whole game with the autumn/fall jacket skin.
Phoenix 3D Glasses for Ellie Williams
This mod replaces 'Jak goggles' with glasses for Ellie. Give your game a new experience with this addition.
- 2.7MB
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Phoenix 3D Glasses for Ellie Williams
This mod replaces 'Jak goggles' with glasses for Ellie. Give your game a new experience with this addition.
Play as Tess (Playable TESS) Swap-Replace Joel
Play as Tess in all Chapters.This mod allows you to play as Tess for the entire game from Prologue to End.
- 46.7MB
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Play as Tess (Playable TESS) Swap-Replace Joel
Play as Tess in all Chapters.This mod allows you to play as Tess for the entire game from Prologue to End.
Heather Mason Hair Mod for Ellie
Replaces Ellie's default hair with Heather's hair from Silent Hill 3.
- 12.3MB
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Heather Mason Hair Mod for Ellie
Replaces Ellie's default hair with Heather's hair from Silent Hill 3.
Mod that replaces Ellie's Jak Goggles with a pink/white flower crown.
Tess Unwounded and Outfit Recolors
Retexture of Tess's face to remove her facial cuts, also a few recolor options
- 12.4MB
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Tess Unwounded and Outfit Recolors
Retexture of Tess's face to remove her facial cuts, also a few recolor options
Play with white panama young Joel.Replaced young Joel's default head mesh AKA joel-hair-02-u1-g1-v1.And swap every Joel's costume to young Joel's costume which appears only in the intro.
- 3.6MB
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Play with white panama young Joel.Replaced young Joel's default head mesh AKA joel-hair-02-u1-g1-v1.And swap every Joel's costume to young Joel's costume which appears only in the intro.
Life is Strange (2015) Shirt Collection for Ellie
Replaces 22 shirts for Ellie with designs taken from various Life is Strange (2015) characters.
- 8.6MB
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Life is Strange (2015) Shirt Collection for Ellie
Replaces 22 shirts for Ellie with designs taken from various Life is Strange (2015) characters.
Mature Joel (No Prologue Change)
Adds Mature Joel features on all skins except the one in the Prologue. Equip any skin.
- 63.9MB
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Mature Joel (No Prologue Change)
Adds Mature Joel features on all skins except the one in the Prologue. Equip any skin.
Joels Favorite game Deus Ex T-shirt.and tlou2 joel
My mod replaces the brown t-shirt with a deus ex meme installation- check the readme
- 2.9MB
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Joels Favorite game Deus Ex T-shirt.and tlou2 joel
My mod replaces the brown t-shirt with a deus ex meme installation- check the readme
Prologue Joel Young or Default
Mod replaces Grey Sweatshirt with Prologue Joel (Default) and Grey Shirt with Prologue Joel (Young)
- 70.6MB
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Prologue Joel Young or Default
Mod replaces Grey Sweatshirt with Prologue Joel (Default) and Grey Shirt with Prologue Joel (Young)
A simple re-texture mod of Joel's Torso16
Wear Joel's gas mask throughout the whole game.This mod allows you to play the entire game while wearing Joel's gas mask.
- 2.0MB
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Wear Joel's gas mask throughout the whole game.This mod allows you to play the entire game while wearing Joel's gas mask.
Removes Joel's beard, young/default version. if some shadows, area around Joel's beard look weird it's because Joel's facial textures already has an underlying beard on it, so removing the textures causes imperfections
- 69.1MB
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Removes Joel's beard, young/default version. if some shadows, area around Joel's beard look weird it's because Joel's facial textures already has an underlying beard on it, so removing the textures causes imperfections