Skyrim Nexus : Community Site of the Year according to The Escapist
"Modding is intimidating stuff. As a complete newbie to it this year, the Skyrim Nexus was an invaluable tool for me"
"the Skyrim Nexus shows gamers at their most creative, helpful, ingenious and generous. It's essential for anyone with even a remote interest in PC Skyrim."
Click here to read the entire review.
Comments locked
A moderator has closed this comment topic for the time beingIf a modder wants to mod as a hobby, good for him or her! But think how much better mods will be once a modder knows he or she can mod part- or even full-time and support themselves!
Stay tuned...
and now: free beer for the admins
Kudos to all the Modders for their hard work, the Site moderators for their dilligence, and the Skyrim Community as such. I don't think it would have become such a success without the tireless efforts of the first two and the unending support of the third.
Evgir Unslaad......let the prosperity of the Nexus be a Season Unending!
Since I can't send it in real life, here's a virtual crate of Beer/Wine/Any other drink you fancy. Cheers!