About this mod
This mod makes it easier for Julia to reject the beer from Conrad in Curator's Cut by reducing the relationship threshold needed with Alex.
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We all know that Julia is known for always putting herself in danger because she firstly decompresses too fast during the Dive and then is also stupid enough to drink beer afterwards.
And how can you avoid this? By being majorly friendly towards Alex and not making a single mistake. One mistake (for example calling Alex a wimp before going into the pipe and then apologizing afterwards or calling him out) is enough for her to listen to her brother instead of her worried fiancee/lover.
Not cool...
The only positive relationship impact is when Julia rejects to go into the pipe during Dive. So you must actually be aware of that choice and intentionally take it in order to have Julia safe. Missing it or acting negative is enough to doom her.
That's it...the only chance for her to survive until the end.
Not anymore!
This mod overwrites the ChoiceLogic for Julia's AI, when it comes to drinking the beer or not by reducing the relationship required with Alex to 0.
This basically makes her always reject the beer since in vanilla for her to drink, her relationship with Alex must be equal or lower than 65. Which is pretty easy to accomplish. Too easy...
She would now only drink the beer now if her relationship with Alex is 0 (Which I doubt is possible that early on).
This does feel like some kind of cheat at this state but is it really if you basically need some way to not have Julia be doomed right from the beginning?
So now you can act as Julia however you want and not worry about her drinking that death drink.
Even Julia must be wary of the risks she's taking. No matter how agitated she is.