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About this mod

This is the reshade preset file I created for personal use which greatly enhances the graphics in the game, works for director's cut edition.

Permissions and credits
Tired of the blurry and ugly graphics of the game? Well my dudes you have come to the right place.

How to install:
1. Download latest version of Reshade at
2. Move reshade setup.exe to the folder where your game is installed.
3. Install reshade, select BardsTale4.exe > DX11/12 > select all packages (actually you don't need most of them but I am just too lazy to figure out which packages the effects I use come from).
4. Download, unzip my .rar file, and put "1.ini" file under "The Bard's Tale IV Director's Cut\BardsTale4\Binaries\Win64" folder.
5. Run the game, press home, load the "1.ini" file. DONEZO.
6. Tweak however you want tho.

