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About this mod

A reshade that drasticly enhances the image quality to make Tekken look better - but without altering the style. It enhances colours, depths, shadows, contrast overall - getting you more eyecandy! Intended to get away that "greyish", "smudgy" feel. It seems subtle on the screenshots, but it is very effective - it really shows in motion!

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Maybe that's excactly what you have been looking for (without eve knowing it).
Have a more beautiful, clearer and more crisp image while keeping the original vision of the creators.

Makes your whole picture more clear and just gives you more details and better image quality by trying to increae informations in
shadows, midtones and lights, while preserving contrast and overall feel. It gives you more saturation without burn everything.

It gives you better materials, metal feels more metal and it overall burst your immersion!

"Firnis" is the german word for varnish.

something like:

- better distance fog
- better light - it fills the space and effects everything a little bit more
- more colourful
- better (and more subtile) bloom
- slightly sharper
- better structures and textures
- more realistic and immersive metal reflections
- more pop
- more crisp
- less cloudy
- eyefriendlier
- everything fills the same space
- looks better
- more immersive
- it's like getting glasses

... idk it originated from my silly rubbish workflow i use to improve jpeg fotos or compressed movies (from smartphones, or when raw is missing) and i want to share because

1) Install ReShade from , make sure you install all plugins.
You have to install it by selecting the main .exe! It is a bit hidden deep inside the folders.
The right folder is:
...\TEKKEN 7\TekkenGame\Binaries\Win64\TekkenGame-Win64-Shipping.exe

2) Drop the .ini you find in my download to that exact folder.

3) Open reshade's menu overlay ingame with [Pos1] (follow the tutorial if you like, it's short and good)
and select 'FIRNIS 1.1 for Tekken" - make sure to be in performance mode.

That's basicly it.

You can go into Settings and assign an "Effect Toggle" key to quick turn it off and on to see the difference the reshade makes.
(I usually use [Num del], as it comes handy near the mouse.)

Assign a screenshot hotkey and a screenshot folder.

In fact, you can use this reshade (follow the installation and just search for main .exe) on any other game and it will do its magic!
I use it in some heavy modded Skyrim, Cyberpunk 2077, Mordhau, Alien Isolaton, GTA5 and basicly any game i play.