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About this mod

Customize customers to spawn more, set percentage of women/men, walk faster, always give exact change, have more spending money, tooltips for customer info, and more to come!

Permissions and credits

Current Version: 0.0.7 (changelog)

Configurable tweaks (walk speed, exact change, spending money, etc) to customers to improve quality of life for your shop!

NOTE: The Max Money Multiplier does not affect customers' willingness to spend. Download my Big Spender mod for that!

See the config options below for a complete list of features and how to use them. If you have ideas or issues see the Source Code and Bug Reporting section at the bottom of the page. Thanks!


  • Install BepInEx
  • Download and extract this mod.
  • Copy the extracted files to <tcgshop-home>/BepInEx/plugins folder.
  • Start the game and exit.
  • Change configuration options (see below).
  • Once you have the settings you want, start the game again and enjoy!

Config Options

Note that all of the options in this mod default to off (false, zero, blank, etc) to enable the user to have as little of a "cheaty" experience as possible.

For information on how to modify these options, see the Editing the Config File section below.


  • Auto-Enter Credit Amount - Set to true to auto-populate credit window with the correct amount (default true).
  • Enabled - Set to false to disable this mod.
  • Exact Change - Set to true to always have customers pay with the exact amount of cash for the purchase.
  • Max Money Multiplier - Multiplier applied to customer maximum spending amount [NOTE: This does *not* affect their willingness to spend; download my Big Spender mod for that] (float, default 1 [no change], Greater than 1 = more money, Less than 1 = less money).
  • Rollover Customer Info - Enabled - Set to false to disable customer info when rolled over with cursor crosshair.
  • Rollover Customer Info - Font Size - Font size of rollover customer info text (int, default 18).
  • Rollover Shop Info - Enabled - Set to false to disable shop info when rolling over the shop open sign or cash register area.
  • Spawn - Frequency Multiplier - Multiplier (note: smaller number == faster spawn!) applied to the time interval between customer spawns (float, default 1 [no change], Greater than 1 = less frequent (slower spawn), Less than 1 = more frequent (faster spawn)).
  • Spawn - Max Customer Models - Number of customer game object models created at game start (requires game reload if changed). The number of spawned customers cannot exceed this number, as the Spawn() method just chooses an inactive model from this list and makes it visible. Note that increasing this value might impact game performance (int, default 100, max 500).
  • Spawn - Max Customer Multiplier - Multiplier applied to the maximum number of simultaneous spawned customers [up to the number of 'Max Customer Models'] (float, default 1 [no change], Greater than 1 = more models, Less than 1 = less models).
  • Spawn - Percent Women - Percent (between 0 [none] and 100 [all]) of spawned customers that will be women (float, default 33 [33% game default]). Changing this value requires a game reload.
  • Walk Speed Multiplier - Multiplier applied to customer walk speed (float, default 1 [no change], Greater than 1 = faster walk, Less than 1 = slower walk).

Editing the Config File

NOTE: If you used the premade BepInEx pack mod or downloaded ConfigurationManager then you can hit F1 to open a dialog to modify options. Note that some options may not take effect without restarting the game.
To edit the config file outside of the game:
  • Open notepad or your favorite text editor (Windows Key + R then 'notepad').
  • File => Open. Navigate to <tcgshop-home>/BepInEx/config and open devopsdinosaur.tcgshop.custom_customers.cfg.
  • Each of the options listed above can be modified according to the description. Lines starting with '#' are just comments. Lines in [] are section headers.
  • After making changes, save the file and restart the game to try out the new settings!

Source Code and Bug Reporting

All of my mods are open source on GitHub here: https://github.com/devopsdinosaur/tcgshop-mods
Please let me know in the Posts section if you have problems or ideas for new mods/features. Or, even better, you can submit issues directly on the GitHub page here).

PSA - It's been hard to find the time to create new mods and support the ones I've made.  If you like my mods, please consider a small tip (any amount) on Ko-fi to help me convince my wife that this modding stuff is worth my time =)  Just scan the QR code below with your phone or click it to get started.

Thanks a ton, and enjoy the mods!!