About this mod
Turn Dohalim into a powerful sorcerer (always keeping balance).
- Permissions and credits
------>>>>> There is a "bug" as regards DOHALIM'S BOOST STRIKE TUTORIAL (since, no matter the number of strike attacks you perform on the enemy, you won't be able to complete the tutorial). In order to go through this successfully you only have to do this:
(((The game will automatically save at this point, before Dohalim's boost strike tutorial starts, sothere is no chance for you loosing your progress here))).
1. Close the game when the Dohalim's boost strike start.
2. Move my mod pak to a different forlder from the mod folder.
3. Go through the tutorial as usual.
4. After you finish it, save and close the game.
5. Move my mod pak back to the mods' folder.
6. Load the game and that's it. This will fix the problem.
This mod is a completely remake of Dohalim character changing every aspect of it, including:
- New animations transferred from Rinwell (with some modifications).
- New skills and spells.
- New ultimate tier spells including:
>>> Explode + Explode: Meteor Swarm (reworked to increase the amount of bolides and now it causes fire damage).

>>> Divine Saber + Divine Saber: Shooting Star (increased damage and penetration).
>>> Tidal Wave + Tidal Wave: Maelstrom (same as Shooting Star).
>>> Cyclone + Cyclone: God's Breath.

>>> Ground Dasher + Ground Dasher: Grand Cataclysm.

>>> Execution + Execution: Black Hole (best spell in the game).

- Enchanced Dohalim spellcasting attitudes by adding a huge amount of new spells from all elements including Tidal Wave, Explode, Cyclone, Shooting Star, Meteor Storm, Divine Saber...
- New costumes and tweaked some vanilla ones (in order to avoid clipping due to the new animations).
- New unique skill (Rinwell's magic stock/emit).
- New ability learning progression for Dohalim. He will learn all his skills/spells by earning mastery points. No more ability acquisition via titles.
- Staves have been replaced by souls.
- Custom IA: when not being controlled by the player, Dohalim sends spells spiralling into overdrive.
- Customized stats, skill trees, titles and level progression.
- And a lot more.
Before installing the mod, you must consider that it will make Rinwell not use her magic stock/emit unique skill since I've not been able to duplicate it. She's still very useful though, just overshadowed by Dohalim. Additionally, Dohalim will wield no staff in battle but a magic light that changes its energy according to the performing attack's element. For this reason, he will be wielding an "invisible" weapon during cutscenes; JUST during cutscenes since I've managed to recreate a light staff effect during smash attacks, world gimmick ability and his mystic arts.

Gifs featuring some skills:
-Ground combo:

-Air combo:

-Flame Drive:

-Fire Blast:

-Mine Barrage:

-Dohalim Laser:

- Raging Luna Storm:

And many other tweaked skills taken from Rinwell's arsenal, for instance:
-Tweaked Hydratation Orb (increased range):

INSTALLATION: Drop this file into your "Tales of Arise\Arise\Content\Paks" folder