Skyrim ENB Mods 2 - Project ENB (realistic)
The second in a series of videos looking at the many ENB mods available for Skyrim. In this video look at another popular ENB mod, 'Project ENB' , and compare it to the Sharpshooters ENB covered in part 1.
To find out how to install this mod watch Installing Skyrim ENB Mods 2 - Project ENB (realistic).
For an overview of the aims of this series see this video.
Download link for mod:
Project ENB (realistic)
Comments locked
A moderator has closed this comment topic for the time beingI've contacted the person who uploaded this enb , and he didn't reply.
Since you're making these enb presets reviews on yt, I take it you have much experince regarding the same.
I am using enb that I linked you , and it's cool .. performace loss is minimal and colors and bloom are really cinematic,
only thing that is not working is film grain , I've tried adding code from other enb where it is working properly , but
it looks like in this enb it using different code, but by default in this enb there is no option to enable film grain cause
there is no lines that add/disable film grain .. (#define enable_grain) ,,, but other effects are using different code
for example (#define HD6_vignette) instead of (#define enable_vignette).
I have some knowledge of these codes and now matter what I do it just wont work.
If you know how to get it to work please share the information with me.
I thank you in advance.
Sorry if my english is bad it's not my main language.
Fellow gamer.
In the "optional effects" folder you'll find the film grain options. Copy the effect.txt file to your Skyrim folder and overwrite.
I need to figure out the code that enables grain in enbeffects.fx ini , which in this case is different than any other enb
It works, try again.
Note: Use v0.119 with my ENB's.
It's unfortunate that HeliosDoubleSix (HD6) is no longer around......he's the "greatest" in my opinion......
See here, they even did a huge article about how great this game looks with mods. Note that the name of the ENB was not mentioned, but it is the Opethfeldt ENB. The user/mod-installer "Unreal" aka "ASO7" gets the credit for the beauty. This is very sad.....but that's how chose to write their article.
Skyrim with 100 mods
Please note that his Nexus mod is set to "hidden" at the moment.
i know that you put a lot of hard work into you videos (not to mention time), but i just wanted to ask if you know about ....RealLike ENB by s3b3k87..... It's a great enb as it doesn't eat away your fps.. i use a mid laptop to play my games and i get about 20-40 fps (with all the HD packs ran through Optimizer Textures by AdPipino). i loose about 4-5 fps using the said enb.....
sorry if you knew this and i there by wasted you time.
Nice videos though. Looking forward to more in the future.
K ENB is engraved in the "no compromises" niche, and I'm myself still amazed it has reached such a level of popularity.
Most users are searching for 'realism' and I think Opethfeldt's ENB, as Bronze316 suggests, would be a good choice for next Gopher's review.
Thus said, thank you for suggesting about my setup, Selvec.
Some of you may or may not agree, that's fine, but I seriously think that everyone should try it out at least once.