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File information

Last updated

Original upload

Created by

Luke Vo

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Virus scan

Safe to use

About this mod

Change the time needed for scanning using the Scanner Tool. Customizable.

Permissions and credits
Change the time required for scanning stuff to your PDA using the Scanner Tool. The value is customizable, to change the amount, edit config.json file:

    "ScanTimeMultiplier": 0.5

The default value 0.5 means it take half the normal time to finish scanning. Setting it to 1 will not change anything. The mod does not change anything about the Scanner Tool energy consumption so you scan double the amount of stuff with the same amount of energy. May add energy customization later if someone asks.


1. Install QModManager.
2. Unpack the archive to folder \SubnauticaZero\QMods\
Source code available on my Github.