Change Alterra Inc to Alterra Corp (Thank you AregoIndustries)
A settings.json file is created on launch. Giving you a wide range of things that you can modify
Ability to turn the idle feature off. It is turned on by default. To do this change "EnableIdle": true to "EnableIdle": false
Ability to turn off being able to select items from the monitor. To do this change "AllowSelectingItemsFromMonitor": true to "AllowSelectingItemsFromMonitor": false
Version 1.0.5
Fixed Storage Containers being bricked when loading a saved game.
Version 1.0.4
Big Little Update fix
Version 1.0.2
Items can now be added to the "DontTrackList" text file.
Fixed issue in the mod.json file.
Version 1.0.1
Fixed the game freezing when either quitting through the in game menu or closing the application.
Version 1.0.0
New world model. Ability to grab items from the Monitor. Start up animation. Idle animation. Ability to configure what objects are not tracked. More detailed UI. Multiple bug fixes.
New world model
Ability to grab items from the Monitor
Start up animation
Idle animation
Ability to configure what objects are not tracked
More detailed UI
Fixed bug that occurred with AutoSort Lockers.
Fixed bug that would cause Resource Monitor to show the incorrect amount of items.