Streets Of Rage 4

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  1. PostRetroGaming
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    This looks great! Is there a user friendly way to modify the colors or are you doing this frame by frame? I am attempting to edit the SOR 3 Axel to give the orange shirt and black pants but I am not skilled enough to do it frame by frame. 
    1. CptSlapaDome
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      Thanks! I'm doing this frame by frame, pixel by pixel,  in Photoshop, yet - due to work and school - I've not given it the attention it deserves (the beard was super easy, but changing the hair, especially my latest version of it, is very time consuming), but I will now thanks to your comment. As for the colors, I have no idea about a user friendly way to adjust them, not even a user friendly frame by frame method (like color fill or something), since a large number of frames have no solid colors when zoomed in.

      As for SoR3 Axel in yellow and black, that's a great idea! One thing you can do is check the difference between his lit and shadowed parts in the white shirt and blue jeans version, which may give you enough info to come up with a similar gradient for the lit and shadowed parts for the yellow shirt and black jeans version.
    2. PostRetroGaming
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      This is my attempt but you can see the imperfections and this alone took me over 20 minutes. I cant imagine doing 118 more of these but I will if I must! I am going to continue digging for a better way! 

    3. CptSlapaDome
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      Wow, there may be imperfections (adding an inky black ouline to the pants should solve it), but the shirt and jacket look really nice! I don't know how other people do it, but 20 minutes for a recolor sounds about right. It's actually fast to me because I'm not familiar with the tools and layers in PS, so I wind up comparing frames as I draw and color in hopes I'm getting it somewhat accurate across the idle frames. What program are you working in?
    4. PostRetroGaming
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      • 0 kudos is the application I use for making YouTube thumbnails and other very light editing. I do pallet mods for Street Fighter III Third Strike but the process for that is WAY easier. You only need to make a single color edit and it does every frame. Hoping I haven’t bit off more than I can chew with this Axel project. The app is called PalMod. 
    5. CptSlapaDome
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      Thanks for sharing, especially the bit about! I don't know anything about editing work, and YouTube curiousity just bit me, so I'll take advantage of the knowledge you provided. Editing through PalMod sounds like a dream. If only that were available to Sor4. Barring that, I'll probably Max by 2024.

    6. PostRetroGaming
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      I just uploaded my color edit to Nexus! people enjoy it! Good luck with your project!

    7. CptSlapaDome
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      Thanks for sharing. I'm gonna download it and endorse it!