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About this mod

A simple solution to customise the searching of containers to your liking! Pick from adjustable search speeds and search fail chances to find your perfect match. From faster vanilla values, to near-instant looting without triggering an alert, there's something for every happy loot goblin!

Permissions and credits
Improved Searching
Customise Your Looting Experience

Improved Searching v1.0.0


After playing the game for a while the looting got to a point where it became somewhat tedious, searching each container felt like a chore despite my character's high Wits and specialisations which seemingly felt as if they didn't matter... If this sounds like you, then I've got just the fix for you!

Works in multiplayer games for your own characters only.

Improved Searching provides you with a handful of options to fine-tune your loot-goblin experience!

  • Fast Vanilla Search (33% Fail Chance)
    • 5 second search time. 1 second fast search time.
    • 33% failed search alert chance.
    • When you just want a faster vanilla looting experience.

  • Super Fast Search (0% Fail Chance)
    • 0.5 second search time for both regular and fast searches!
    • 0% failed search alert chance!
    • Because your characters are professionals at looting now, right?!

  • Fast Search (0% Fail Chance)
    • 2 second search time for both regular and fast searches.
    • 0% failed search alert chance.
    • Just like Vanilla fast search but without the FAIL!

  • Fast Search (10% Fail Chance)
    • 5 second search time. 0.5 second fast search time.
    • 10% failed search alert chance.
    • For when you want just a little bit of oomph in your looting!

  • Fast Search (50% Fail Chance)
    • 5 second search time. 0.5 second fast search time.
    • 50% failed search alert chance.
    • For those who enjoy suffering, or just favour their odds...


For Vortex users, simply hit the "Mod Manager Download" button and enable the mod once the download completes!

For those of you who still prefer a manual approach the instructions are as follows:

Step 1) You're going to need to create a Paks folder inside the Saved folder if one doesn't already exist.

See below for platform specific versions of the game. It does not go in your game's install folder!

Epic Games/Steam:

Microsoft Store:

Step 2) Download the latest version of Improved Searching and extract the archive contents somewhere. Copy the .pak file into your Paks folder as per step 1.


Vortex users simply disable and/or remove the mod as per normal.

If you manually installed this mod, browse to your Paks folder as per the installation steps and remove the .pak file packaged with this mod.


Not compatible with any other mod that effects container searching.

Credits & Acknowledgement

  • State of Decay 2 Modding Community for their exceptional help and support!
  • Nexus Mods - of which this community wouldn't exist so well organized and staffed not to mention the plethora of mods hosted!
  • You - for taking the time to read through this and/or trying out my mod and that of others thus ensuring the community lives on!

Additional credit and acknowledgement goes out to any and all persons who made the above possible, who without, this mod would not be possible. I am relying on those I have credited to have done the same (on their own respective mod pages or elsewhere) but mistakes and oversights do, unfortunately, happen. So to all you lovely people above, and to anyone I may have missed and not mentioned, THANK YOU! Your work is deeply appreciated and I hope that in releasing this mod, to work alongside other great mods, I am doing you proud and allowing your work to live on and to withstand the test of time that is this modding community! It has been an absolute pleasure being a part of such a wonderful community!