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The Witcher 3 - Modding with REDkit

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Get ready for another excuse to dive back into The Witcher 3 and revisit the adventures of Geralt of Rivia, now with even more modded possibilities.

The free REDkit mod creation editor for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is now available to all owners of the game on PC. 

CDPR have put a lot of work in behind the scenes to make the REDKit launch a possibility and we have worked closely with them to provide support in any way we can. We're excited to see what mod authors will be able to do with the REDKit as it opens up a whole new world of modding for the game.

Are you a Witcher 3 player?

It will soon be possible to make a wide array of new mods in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, from alternate clothes and hairstyles to brand-new characters, environments, quests, and more. We're excited about what mod authors will be able to do with the REDKit and can't wait to see what they upload over the coming weeks and months.

Don’t know how to start? Check out the REDkit website or take a look at our Guide on using Vortex with The Witcher 3.

Mod authors can tag their mods as “Made with REDkit” to help you find them all in one place.

Are you a Witcher 3 mod author?

You’re about to get your hands on the same set of tools that RED developers used to create The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt almost a decade ago — refurbished and adjusted to the needs of modders. It’s the ultimate sandbox to create any mod you want. Change anything and everything from the crowds of Novigrad to the tranquil forests of Kaer Morhen.

The Witcher 3 REDkit is completely free for all owners of the PC game. Simply visit the store where you own the game and claim the editor:

Epic Games Store

Don’t know where to start? Not to worry! CPDR have prepared a dedicated REDkit website where you will find a set of answers to frequently asked questions, comprehensive documentation, as well as a series of video tutorials that will be updated over the coming weeks. These will be published every Tuesday and Thursday on The Witcher YouTube channel.

Check out the entire series of video tutorials here.

Once your mod is ready, REDkit has got you covered, with a direct link to get your mod in people’s hands as easily as possible.

To get you in the modding mood, join CDPR’s communities on their official Forums, The Witcher Discord server or join the discussion on our own Forums.  


  1. jerichoadam
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    does RedKit works on Old Gen? Im an Old gen guy and love making mods for old gen
  2. wisteras75
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    epic games witcher 3 redkit has finaly showed up in library so i want to thank the people here that took contact with them when epic games redkit didnt work n i couldnt install it at all

    A huge thanks to everybody here for everything......

    Keep up the greatness
  3. FSPGauss
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    ok, lets be fair. In the release was really bad.
    But today the game is awesome, they did a really great job
  4. eclecticx
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    CDPR's attempt to get back into the good graces of gamers after the Cyberpunk fiasco.

    See, we do care about gamers.


    Explains why it took almost a decade for the mod tool to reach fruition after CDPR first mentioned it.

    That said, The Witcher game series features some good gaming. I'll likely jump back into the series once my playthrough of BG 3 is done. Need something less think, more do. LOL Just wish the Witcher games had better mechanics. Real sore spot, those.
    1. tyftyb
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      But they fixed Cyberpunk. It's not only playable but good. And they made good DLC. I wouldn't call that apathy
    2. eclecticx
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      Cyberpunk is still buggy and still not what was not promised. Even if that weren't the case, even were the game now perfect and exactly as promised, that would not correct the wrongs of misleading investors (for which CDPR was rightfully sued), lying to gamers, strongarming reviewers into using B-roll, and hiding a myriad of issues at launch...actions on par with if not worse than EA-level.
    3. DarkFusion99
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      sounds like youre one of those people who is just miserable no matter what changes.
    4. JuliusGajus
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      They dont have to get back into the good graces because they already have them. For like a year at least. And true its not what was promised, its just more. 
    5. HotManTony
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      u sound really fun at parties
    6. Faron93
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Eclecticx is somewhat right. The only way for us consumers to know if they really learned from their mistakes is with the next Witcher game.
      Their recent deserved praise for Phantom Liberty or boxing the base game into proper shape years after release doesn't change that.
  5. IKobi
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    The documentation is rather basic and includes information that most modders would likely deduce independently; I anticipated more intricate details.

    Nevertheless, it's a move in the right direction. However, with the impending release of modkits for Starfield and BG3, I don't foresee engaging with The Witcher 3 in the near future.
    1. JustThatKing
      • Community Manager
      • 24 kudos
      CDPR have an in-depth plan to release more tutorials over the coming weeks and months. They've already started going into more depth, e.g. the Animations tutorial from today. I'd highly recommend checking out the CDPR REDkit wiki for details too!


  6. zoobxms
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    this is exciting. CDPR making good on promises after 12 years goes a long way to pull them out of the swamp that is their long term rep at this point, they did bad things and they're making good on their pledge to redemption. I hope it doesn't suck though lol.
    1. eclecticx
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      Will take a lot more than making good on a decade-old promise to pull CDPR out of the swamp. The stuff that studio pulled with Cyberpunk was nothing short of corrupt.
    2. DanaFanel
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Hey, they got Keanu Reeves back for Cyberpunk DLC. They are at least committed to trying to get Cyberpunk to at least neutral... or am I missing something? 'Nothing short of corrupt'?
    3. zerozeroxray
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      CP77 problems weren't really so much due to its quality in terms of actual features or lack thereof - any issues in that department mostly came down to the ridiculous hype and unrealistic expectations gamers themselves had created prior to release.

      what's very much corrupt though is consciously lying to your customers about the game running well on previous-gen consoles, and then pretending to offer refunds knowing well that Sony won't agree to it - ultimately resulting in the game getting yeeted from the PS store.
    4. halgari
      • App Developer
      • 628 kudos
      No, you're not missing anything. Cyberpunk 2077 had a rocky launch, it was generally better on newer hardware than older. 3 years later and the game is "Overwelmingly Postive" on Steam. The expansion is fantastic. Also as mentioned a lot of the "missing features" were features that were never promised in the first place, but fans extrapolated would be in the game. If anything that's what CDPR needed to fix, and did. For the past 3 years they've been really careful about promising things or talking about anything that doesn't already exist in the game. 

      At times I feel like people need to sit back and think about how they react when a company tries to mend their ways. If we permenantly write off a company when they do something wrong, what's the point in that company ever changing? Yes Cyberpunk had a rough launch, but CDPR sat down, worked for 3 years, and turned the game into something that will long be considered one of the best video games of all time. 
    5. eclecticx
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
       If we permenantly write off a company when they do something wrong, what's the point in that company ever changing? 

      If those responsible for lying to investors, misleading gamers, mistreating developers, and strongarming reviewers had been replaced, I'd be more trusting. Or maybe if those responsible had truly and publicly owned what they did and changed how they went about developing games rather than attempt to justify their actions and stick to their non-methodology and bad management. As none is the case, I suspect anything and everything CDPR does is nothing more than lip-service.
    6. idkyouchoose
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      turned the game into something that will long be considered one of the best video games of all time.
      You have got to be joking, right?
    7. halgari
      • App Developer
      • 628 kudos
      Nope, I'm not joking, give the expansion a try. Cyberpunk is really an amazing game now. 

      As far as throwing out the entire staff (as the above post demands), I don't agree. They paid their fines for the lies, replaced those in charge of development with experienced developers, reworked their development pipeline (moving from waterfall to agile), and have some truely amazing sales and reviews to prove that all worked. CDPR really had a redemption arc over the past 3 years, and I highly recommend anyone who doubts it to go read some reviews, or better yet, play the game to decide for yourself. 
    8. dangerbay128972
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Can confirm, I jsut started playing it for the first time - the game is a 9/10 for me - Loving it so much. 
    9. SFToon
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Not only Cyberpunk is great game (I skipped initial launch and only played after patch 2.0).
      Witcher 3 (which this thread is about by the way) is ONE OF THE BEST RPGs EVER imo.
      Phenomenal open world, main quest, bunch of side quests - 2 GREAT DLCs and now mod support.
      Thank You CD Project Red for giving us years of entertainment !
    10. cthorn32
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      your words are lost on people that still hold resentment for the company. cdpr made some false promises, but it was the fact the game was megahyped by the same audience that condemned it that it made a big negative splash. Almost every big company making games has done that and worse multiple times over the last 10 years, and we've still got nannies frowning over cdpr. Let it go, listen to that guy, because he's right, most other companies don't continue to support their games after the angry hive villifies and denounces. Redfall is a perfect example. Released, villified by audience, and production killed on it almost immediately. But those same people will still buy the next elder scrolls and say how fantastic bethesda/microsoft is
  7. Sparkywood
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is anyone working on custom sex mods?

    if so when can we expect them to be released
    1. user89461313
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I want to do quest mod for gwent. Win gwent for sex.
  8. Yuri1199
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Redkit is out for some time now, where are new quests? not even 1
    1. GuymanBot
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      It hasn't even been a week. Mods aren't like building Legos.
  9. fgrobste
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Hope there are good Mods with AI voice!
  10. SkyLover264
    • member
    • 170 kudos
    I'm not sure how to feel about the "Publish to Nexus" button. It strikes me as anticompetitive.
    1. laidback99
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Absolutely. Had it been a conventional market with much more people involved rather than a modding website, this would 100% be considered as a vertical competition violation.
    2. kodaxmax
      • premium
      • 13 kudos
      It's only possible because the nexus makes itself competetive with such features.
    3. allieoop
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Let's be real. What other website even is there? Loverslab? Gamebanana? Moddb? lol
    4. TheUnlocked
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      It also supports publishing to the Steam Workshop. It's perfectly reasonable imo for them to add special support for publishing to the most popular mod repositories.