- Refine results Found 105 results. 8019 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: tags. (Clear filters)
Lightsaber Manager for Battlefront 2. BetterSabers is a Frosty Mod Manager plugin that allows you to have total control over all the sabers in the game. Create your own presets and share with other users!
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Lightsaber Manager for Battlefront 2. BetterSabers is a Frosty Mod Manager plugin that allows you to have total control over all the sabers in the game. Create your own presets and share with other users!
Replaces Rey with Ahsoka.
Replaces Darth's Vader default appearances with a Battle Damaged skin
Converts Count Dooku into Darth Nihilus, inspired by Knights of the Old Republic II
Darth Malgus was a Human male Sith Lord of the resurgent Sith Empire during the time of the Great Galactic War to the Third Galactic War.
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Darth Malgus was a Human male Sith Lord of the resurgent Sith Empire during the time of the Great Galactic War to the Third Galactic War.
This mods lets you play as the infamous Jedi Master Plo Kloon known from both the Clone Wars and the Prequel Films!
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This mods lets you play as the infamous Jedi Master Plo Kloon known from both the Clone Wars and the Prequel Films!
Arcann was a Force-sensitive male Human who was the son of Senya Tirall and Valkorion, the "Immortal Emperor" of the Eternal Empire of Zakuul. He was the twin brother of Thexan, with whom he led a series of raids against the worlds of the larger galaxy.
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Arcann was a Force-sensitive male Human who was the son of Senya Tirall and Valkorion, the "Immortal Emperor" of the Eternal Empire of Zakuul. He was the twin brother of Thexan, with whom he led a series of raids against the worlds of the larger galaxy.
Ahsoka Tano (ALPHA) by Fulcrum1313
This mod replaces Rey with Ahsoka Tano, it is still in progress and I will replace all 6 Rey's skins!It includes voice lines, custom starcards, custom lightsaber and more!You can use it in MP! It is still in progress.
- 144.8MB
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Ahsoka Tano (ALPHA) by Fulcrum1313
This mod replaces Rey with Ahsoka Tano, it is still in progress and I will replace all 6 Rey's skins!It includes voice lines, custom starcards, custom lightsaber and more!You can use it in MP! It is still in progress.
This mod replaces all heroes with Lego variants
Rogue One Vader provides the ultimate experience of the Dark Lord. Painstaking attention-to-detail brings an authentic movie aesthetic to your fingertips, allowing you to crush the rebellion – and look menacing whilst doing it.
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Rogue One Vader provides the ultimate experience of the Dark Lord. Painstaking attention-to-detail brings an authentic movie aesthetic to your fingertips, allowing you to crush the rebellion – and look menacing whilst doing it.
Change your Lightsaber Color for any hero
Dual Sabers Pack - MP Compatible
Gives Various Heroes Dual Sabers, Multiplayer Compatible
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Dual Sabers Pack - MP Compatible
Gives Various Heroes Dual Sabers, Multiplayer Compatible
Star Wars Elseworlds' Jedi Grievous (2021)
Converts General Grievous into his light-side counterpart from my 'What If' story.
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Star Wars Elseworlds' Jedi Grievous (2021)
Converts General Grievous into his light-side counterpart from my 'What If' story.
This mod replaces Count Dooku's playermodel, cards and his name. ===READ THE FULL DESCRIPTION BEFORE DOWNLOADING.===
- 94.9MB
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This mod replaces Count Dooku's playermodel, cards and his name. ===READ THE FULL DESCRIPTION BEFORE DOWNLOADING.===
The IAM team introduces Umbara to the Battlefront, fight on the Capital road or in the Shadow forest! If you enjoy this mod please endorse it!
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The IAM team introduces Umbara to the Battlefront, fight on the Capital road or in the Shadow forest! If you enjoy this mod please endorse it!
Corrects the colors of every Lightsaber in the game to be more accurate and vivid.
Replaces the two standard skins of Obi-Wan to Mythos inspired variations.
Cal Kestis, the padawan of Jedi Master Jaro Tapal, joins the Battlefront! (Multiplayer Compatible).As one of the few Jedi who survived the purge that destroyed the Jedi Order, Kestis lived in seclusion for years until a confrontation with the Inquisitorius compelled him to openly resist the Empire's rule.
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Cal Kestis, the padawan of Jedi Master Jaro Tapal, joins the Battlefront! (Multiplayer Compatible).As one of the few Jedi who survived the purge that destroyed the Jedi Order, Kestis lived in seclusion for years until a confrontation with the Inquisitorius compelled him to openly resist the Empire's rule.
This mod replaces Kylo Ren and Anakin Skywalker with Revan on all appearances.