- Refine results Found 129 results. 7825 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: tags. (Clear filters)
Lightsaber Manager for Battlefront 2. BetterSabers is a Frosty Mod Manager plugin that allows you to have total control over all the sabers in the game. Create your own presets and share with other users!
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Lightsaber Manager for Battlefront 2. BetterSabers is a Frosty Mod Manager plugin that allows you to have total control over all the sabers in the game. Create your own presets and share with other users!
Replaces Rey with Ahsoka.
Star Wars The Clone Wars Clone Overhaul
Clone Wars styled clones replacing bf2s clone models. Not every skin is changed but most of them are. I will maybe add more skins in the future if the mod gets a lot of downloads :)Current skins:322nd501st104thCoruscant GuardJet Trooper 501stVaughn as 41st trooperARC trooper default clean troope
- 70.2MB
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Star Wars The Clone Wars Clone Overhaul
Clone Wars styled clones replacing bf2s clone models. Not every skin is changed but most of them are. I will maybe add more skins in the future if the mod gets a lot of downloads :)Current skins:322nd501st104thCoruscant GuardJet Trooper 501stVaughn as 41st trooperARC trooper default clean troope
This mods lets you play as the infamous Jedi Master Plo Kloon known from both the Clone Wars and the Prequel Films!
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This mods lets you play as the infamous Jedi Master Plo Kloon known from both the Clone Wars and the Prequel Films!
Arcann was a Force-sensitive male Human who was the son of Senya Tirall and Valkorion, the "Immortal Emperor" of the Eternal Empire of Zakuul. He was the twin brother of Thexan, with whom he led a series of raids against the worlds of the larger galaxy.
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Arcann was a Force-sensitive male Human who was the son of Senya Tirall and Valkorion, the "Immortal Emperor" of the Eternal Empire of Zakuul. He was the twin brother of Thexan, with whom he led a series of raids against the worlds of the larger galaxy.
Ahsoka Tano (ALPHA) by Fulcrum1313
This mod replaces Rey with Ahsoka Tano, it is still in progress and I will replace all 6 Rey's skins!It includes voice lines, custom starcards, custom lightsaber and more!You can use it in MP! It is still in progress.
- 144.8MB
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Ahsoka Tano (ALPHA) by Fulcrum1313
This mod replaces Rey with Ahsoka Tano, it is still in progress and I will replace all 6 Rey's skins!It includes voice lines, custom starcards, custom lightsaber and more!You can use it in MP! It is still in progress.
Gives Rey's Jedi Skin her appearance from the Episode 9 concept art (Multiplayer Compatible). Includes Custom Ponytail Hair, Custom Body, Double Bladed Saber, and a Custom Hilt Model
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Gives Rey's Jedi Skin her appearance from the Episode 9 concept art (Multiplayer Compatible). Includes Custom Ponytail Hair, Custom Body, Double Bladed Saber, and a Custom Hilt Model
Hooded Robe Anakin and Obi Wan
This mod adds a hood to Anakin's and Obi Wan's robed appearances.
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Hooded Robe Anakin and Obi Wan
This mod adds a hood to Anakin's and Obi Wan's robed appearances.
Kit Fisto remastered! Replaces Obi-Wan or Luke. Online and offline versions. Includes skins from AOTC, ROTS, and TCW.
- 318.0MB
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Kit Fisto remastered! Replaces Obi-Wan or Luke. Online and offline versions. Includes skins from AOTC, ROTS, and TCW.
Dual Sabers Pack - MP Compatible
Gives Various Heroes Dual Sabers, Multiplayer Compatible
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Dual Sabers Pack - MP Compatible
Gives Various Heroes Dual Sabers, Multiplayer Compatible
Update 2.5 Adds Ahsoka's Season 1 Appearance and Rey saber hilt and blade addons!Replaces Your Choice of Anakain or Rey with 4 Ahsoka Skins from Star Wars the Clone wars Features voicelines, starcards, portrait sabers, dual sabers and more!
- 176.8MB
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Update 2.5 Adds Ahsoka's Season 1 Appearance and Rey saber hilt and blade addons!Replaces Your Choice of Anakain or Rey with 4 Ahsoka Skins from Star Wars the Clone wars Features voicelines, starcards, portrait sabers, dual sabers and more!
This mod brings everyone's favorite Nautolan Jedi, Kit Fisto, to Battlefront II. Replaces Obi-Wan or Luke with custom skins, lightsaber, and ability set. Modeled based off Kit Fisto's appearances in The Clone Wars and Revenge of the Sith. Includes online versions with only cosmetic changes.
- 137.7MB
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This mod brings everyone's favorite Nautolan Jedi, Kit Fisto, to Battlefront II. Replaces Obi-Wan or Luke with custom skins, lightsaber, and ability set. Modeled based off Kit Fisto's appearances in The Clone Wars and Revenge of the Sith. Includes online versions with only cosmetic changes.
Star Wars Elseworlds' Jedi Grievous (2021)
Converts General Grievous into his light-side counterpart from my 'What If' story.
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Star Wars Elseworlds' Jedi Grievous (2021)
Converts General Grievous into his light-side counterpart from my 'What If' story.
The IAM team introduces Umbara to the Battlefront, fight on the Capital road or in the Shadow forest! If you enjoy this mod please endorse it!
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The IAM team introduces Umbara to the Battlefront, fight on the Capital road or in the Shadow forest! If you enjoy this mod please endorse it!
Replaces Obi-Wan Kenobi with Aayla Secura:Features her classic Jedi look and her Jayzaa disguise from the "Star Wars: Republic" comics, as well as voicelines from Disney Infinity and Republic Heroes, a custom Portrait image and custom TextSound import by Zenger, Portrait by CosmicDreams, also thanks to Claymaver for being a patien
- 58.0MB
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Replaces Obi-Wan Kenobi with Aayla Secura:Features her classic Jedi look and her Jayzaa disguise from the "Star Wars: Republic" comics, as well as voicelines from Disney Infinity and Republic Heroes, a custom Portrait image and custom TextSound import by Zenger, Portrait by CosmicDreams, also thanks to Claymaver for being a patien
Corrects the colors of every Lightsaber in the game to be more accurate and vivid.
The IAM team introduces Mygeeto to the Battlefront, fight for the planet in urban combat. If you enjoy this mod, please endorse it!
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The IAM team introduces Mygeeto to the Battlefront, fight for the planet in urban combat. If you enjoy this mod, please endorse it!
Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man swings into Battlefront 2 along with custom Voicelines, Text Edits, Audio, UI and more; replacing Anakin Skywalker.
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Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man swings into Battlefront 2 along with custom Voicelines, Text Edits, Audio, UI and more; replacing Anakin Skywalker.
Brings the all powerful Starkiller to Star Wars™ Battlefront™ II, with 4 Appearances, Custom Voice Lines and The Rogue Shadow.
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Brings the all powerful Starkiller to Star Wars™ Battlefront™ II, with 4 Appearances, Custom Voice Lines and The Rogue Shadow.