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Lightsaber Manager for Battlefront 2. BetterSabers is a Frosty Mod Manager plugin that allows you to have total control over all the sabers in the game. Create your own presets and share with other users!
- 10.8MB
- 6.3k
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Lightsaber Manager for Battlefront 2. BetterSabers is a Frosty Mod Manager plugin that allows you to have total control over all the sabers in the game. Create your own presets and share with other users!
Replaces Darth's Vader default appearances with a Battle Damaged skin
A skin to make Maul look like his early appearance from the Clone Wars TV show.
OfficialMango's Environmental Loading Screens V2.0
A complete overhaul compared to the Original OMELS Mod, Higher video quality , improved UI , massive reduction in Size. Download it now and make loading screens something you want to see!
- 167.2MB
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OfficialMango's Environmental Loading Screens V2.0
A complete overhaul compared to the Original OMELS Mod, Higher video quality , improved UI , massive reduction in Size. Download it now and make loading screens something you want to see!
Converts specific factions' forces into Mandalorians using the Boba Fett playermodel.
Cinematic Tools for SWBFII Updated
Toolset allowing you to take cinematic shots using tools such as the animator, effect creator, light spawners, and a whole lot more!
- 8.6MB
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Cinematic Tools for SWBFII Updated
Toolset allowing you to take cinematic shots using tools such as the animator, effect creator, light spawners, and a whole lot more!
Localization editor that can mass replace character names
Replace all the Sith lightsabers with Jedi lightsabers and Jedi lightsabers with Sith lightsabers
- 126KB
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Replace all the Sith lightsabers with Jedi lightsabers and Jedi lightsabers with Sith lightsabers