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Lightsaber Manager for Battlefront 2. BetterSabers is a Frosty Mod Manager plugin that allows you to have total control over all the sabers in the game. Create your own presets and share with other users!
- 10.8MB
- 6.3k
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Lightsaber Manager for Battlefront 2. BetterSabers is a Frosty Mod Manager plugin that allows you to have total control over all the sabers in the game. Create your own presets and share with other users!
Star Wars The Clone Wars Clone Overhaul
Clone Wars styled clones replacing bf2s clone models. Not every skin is changed but most of them are. I will maybe add more skins in the future if the mod gets a lot of downloads :)Current skins:322nd501st104thCoruscant GuardJet Trooper 501stVaughn as 41st trooperARC trooper default clean troope
- 70.2MB
- 1.7k
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Star Wars The Clone Wars Clone Overhaul
Clone Wars styled clones replacing bf2s clone models. Not every skin is changed but most of them are. I will maybe add more skins in the future if the mod gets a lot of downloads :)Current skins:322nd501st104thCoruscant GuardJet Trooper 501stVaughn as 41st trooperARC trooper default clean troope
This mods lets you play as the infamous Jedi Master Mace Windu known from both the Clone Wars and the Prequel Trilogy!
- 43.6MB
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This mods lets you play as the infamous Jedi Master Mace Windu known from both the Clone Wars and the Prequel Trilogy!
This ups all the effects on Kylo's Lightsaber!
Converts specific factions' forces into Mandalorians using the Boba Fett playermodel.
Changes Luke's base appearances and give him a new one. Now with custom hero portraits.
Boba Fett - Empire Strikes Back
Changes the mesh and skin of the Boba Fett hero. Optional weapon replacer. Should Be online compatible as it is just a mesh mod, but I am unsure, So just use offline to play it safe
- 66.3MB
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Boba Fett - Empire Strikes Back
Changes the mesh and skin of the Boba Fett hero. Optional weapon replacer. Should Be online compatible as it is just a mesh mod, but I am unsure, So just use offline to play it safe
quick info to the mod:-Fully supported for instant action and /mission - no Multiplayer-more pictures and maybe a video is / are on the way ;)-Prequels are excluded from any change, (means I haven't touched the prequels and that the prequels are just like Vanilla)
- 1.1MB
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quick info to the mod:-Fully supported for instant action and /mission - no Multiplayer-more pictures and maybe a video is / are on the way ;)-Prequels are excluded from any change, (means I haven't touched the prequels and that the prequels are just like Vanilla)
palpatine with bass boosted lightning. WARNING: you will need to download "frosty mod manager alpha" of the toolsuite
- 36.1MB
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palpatine with bass boosted lightning. WARNING: you will need to download "frosty mod manager alpha" of the toolsuite
Lego Star Wars Hit and Death sounds
Replaces most hit and death sounds with ones from the lego star wars games.
- 1.7MB
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Lego Star Wars Hit and Death sounds
Replaces most hit and death sounds with ones from the lego star wars games.
this mod replaces BB-8 whit the Omnidroid for the incredibles
This mod changes Luke's default appearance to his appearance in The Force Awakens. Version 1.0.0
- 11.5MB
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This mod changes Luke's default appearance to his appearance in The Force Awakens. Version 1.0.0
Replace all the Sith lightsabers with Jedi lightsabers and Jedi lightsabers with Sith lightsabers
- 126KB
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Replace all the Sith lightsabers with Jedi lightsabers and Jedi lightsabers with Sith lightsabers
Battlefront 2015 Light Saber -FX