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EldeBH Priscylla Chucky

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About this mod

Brings the appearances from the classic Battlefront classes to the current game!

Permissions and credits

This mod aims to recreate the appearances from the classic Battlefront games for the Battle Droids.
The mod also includes an addon for custom weapon sounds from the 2005 Battlefront II and an MP safe addon that gives the droid Officer the E-5ACP from the same game.

Each class has their own skins which are detailed below:

Infantry: Default Battle Droid appearance
Assault: Appearance based on the 2005 Battlefront II trailers.
Factory: 2003 Clone Wars appearance.

The Heavy gets a rocket launcher on the back and a mine carried on the leg as nod to the old Battlefront games.

Assault: Based on 2005 Assault Droid appearance
Pilot: Based on 2004 Assault Droid appearance.
Marine: Based on 2005 Droid Marine appearance.
Factory: 2003 Clone Wars appearance.

The Officer gets an ammo and bacta pack on the leg and a cutter on the arm as nod to the fusion cutter from the old Battlefront games.

Engineer: Based on 2005 Engineer Droid appearance. 
Pilot: Based on 2005 Droid Pilot appearance.
Factory: 2003 Clone Wars appearance.

Assassin: Based on 2005 Assassin Droid appearance. 
Assault: Based on 2004 Assassin Droid appearance.
Factory: 2003 Clone Wars appearance.

Super Battle Droid: Based on movie appearance. 
Droideka: Based on movie appearance.

Ultra Battle Droid: Due to the old Battlefront games lacking an appearance for a flying droid we decided to base it on the droid prototype seen in the campaign mission "Tying Up Lose Ends" from Battlefront II 2005.

MagnaGuard: By default the mod contains the Holowan Grey and Holowan Blue appearances. The cape is an optional addon.