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Rogue One Vader provides the ultimate experience of the Dark Lord. Painstaking attention-to-detail brings an authentic movie aesthetic to your fingertips, allowing you to crush the rebellion – and look menacing whilst doing it.

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Rogue One Vader provides the ultimate experience of the Dark Lord. Painstaking attention-to-detail brings an authentic movie aesthetic to your fingertips, allowing you to crush the rebellion – and look menacing whilst doing it.
The helmet has been completely remade, with symmetrical features, a lower sitting dome as well as modelled grills and indents. The textures follow accurate painting guidelines from official movie props, and the glossiness of the armour has been recreated based on a variety of environments. And of course, the helmet lenses now are an iconic red.

Vader's body sees several changes. The inner robes now sit over the armour plate, and the life-support chest unit is now larger and slimmer - detailed with film-accurate buttons and switches. The belt also sits higher on Vader's torso, with a larger and remodelled codpiece. A belt hook has also been added, allowing Vader to attach his lightsaber to his waist. Vader's waist cape is also longer.

As for textures, the plastoid armour shares the photorealistic glossiness of the helmet and the leather material has been cleaned and refined using custom PBR materials. The glove textures have been remade with accurate horizontal ribbing, and the robes - as well as waist cape - have new pleated materials.

There is also a new cape; now much larger, flailing further, hanging over the shoulder plates and the chain has been removed. The cape also has a new material.

A new lightsaber has been added - accurate to Rogue One, as well as a custom Hero Portrait.

Rogue One Vader contains 3 files: Rogue One Vader, Rogue One Vader [Without Vest] and Rogue One Vader [TCW].

In Rogue One Vader the
inner robes sit over the armour plate, whereas in Rogue One Vader [Without Vest] the robes sit bellow it - based on BTS references.

Rogue One Vader [TCW] changes Vader's appearance to look as he did in TCW Episode "Victory and Death". The armour has a matte finish, with strong weathering. The addon also has a custom Hero Portrait. This addon should be loaded after Rogue One Vader or Rogue One Vader [Without Vest].

Thank you to everyone who has helped me throughout the creation of this mod: SiRME for the Base Cape, Nanobuds for the Base Robes, EldeBH for helping with mesh-shading and ApexMandalorian for permission to use their Vader helmet.

Lastly, thank you to all my patrons who have supported me over the last 8 months. I really appreciate all the support all you guys have given me, it means a lot.

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