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We Are The Senate

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About this mod

This mod replaces Boba Fett with Gar Saxon as seen in Star Wars the clone wars season 7

Permissions and credits
This mod replaces Boba Fett with Gar Saxon from season 7 of the clone wars. The changes are as follows:
-Custom jetpack and helmet meshes made from remoddelling the existing Boba Fett mesh assets
-Custom textures to accurately represent Saxon as seen in the clone wars
-Brand new Star card images and Hero portrait
-The text UI is changed to say Gar Saxon instead of Boba Fett. The FOR THE HUNT ability has been renamed to VICTORY OR DEATH as per the iconic line seen in the clone wars chanted by the supercommandos before battle.
-Voice lines have been replaced with that of Gar Saxon from the clone wars (and rebels as there was not enough usable voice lines)
-The intro and defeat themes have been replaced with snippets of Samuel Kim Music's Death Watch theme (Credit to him for that)