- Refine results Found 8 results. 84 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: categories. (Clear filters)
Nexerelin adds a number of 4X gameplay features to Starsector, such as faction diplomacy and warfare, and enhances the game with several other features. Choose your faction (or establish your own) and dominate the Sector!
- 10.9MB
- 837
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Nexerelin adds a number of 4X gameplay features to Starsector, such as faction diplomacy and warfare, and enhances the game with several other features. Choose your faction (or establish your own) and dominate the Sector!
This mod significantly expands the variety of systems and planets you'll encounter while exploring.
- 55.9MB
- 654
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This mod significantly expands the variety of systems and planets you'll encounter while exploring.
A complete rebalance of Starsector that focuses on smaller weapons, more fighters and a heavy addition of lore content.
- 392.4MB
- 245
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A complete rebalance of Starsector that focuses on smaller weapons, more fighters and a heavy addition of lore content.
An utility mod modifying the vanilla beams to better differentiate them.
This utility mod is pretty straightforward: it only replaces the vanilla rotary weapons' animations with (imo) smoother ones that spin-up and down progressively, and rotate faster when using Accelerated Ammo Feeder. Nothing more.
- 1.9MB
- 107
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This utility mod is pretty straightforward: it only replaces the vanilla rotary weapons' animations with (imo) smoother ones that spin-up and down progressively, and rotate faster when using Accelerated Ammo Feeder. Nothing more.
This is my Mod Pack for Starsector. The goal of this Mod Pack is to put all of my private modifications to Starsector into one easy-to-install package. Some parts of the Mod Pack are stand-alone Utility projects that don’t depend on other components.
- 4.6MB
- 102
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This is my Mod Pack for Starsector. The goal of this Mod Pack is to put all of my private modifications to Starsector into one easy-to-install package. Some parts of the Mod Pack are stand-alone Utility projects that don’t depend on other components.
Balanced (Redacted) Core Drops
Adjusted (Redated) ai core drop rates, so farming their fleets no longer grants unlimited (alpha) cores and therefore money.
- 2KB
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Balanced (Redacted) Core Drops
Adjusted (Redated) ai core drop rates, so farming their fleets no longer grants unlimited (alpha) cores and therefore money.
Midline Matched Pegasus Retexture
Retextures the vanilla Pegasus ship hull texture to look more color consistant with it's midline counterparts.
- 162KB
- 1
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Midline Matched Pegasus Retexture
Retextures the vanilla Pegasus ship hull texture to look more color consistant with it's midline counterparts.