- Refine results Found 92 results. 0 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: categories. (Clear filters)
LazyLib is a library required by most other Starsector mods.
The goal of MagicLib is to create an Open Source, community driven "library" of useful (and well documented) scripts and plugins that can be leveraged and contributed to by every modder.
- 864KB
- 1.3k
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The goal of MagicLib is to create an Open Source, community driven "library" of useful (and well documented) scripts and plugins that can be leveraged and contributed to by every modder.
Nexerelin adds a number of 4X gameplay features to Starsector, such as faction diplomacy and warfare, and enhances the game with several other features. Choose your faction (or establish your own) and dominate the Sector!
- 10.9MB
- 838
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Nexerelin adds a number of 4X gameplay features to Starsector, such as faction diplomacy and warfare, and enhances the game with several other features. Choose your faction (or establish your own) and dominate the Sector!
This mod significantly expands the variety of systems and planets you'll encounter while exploring.
- 55.9MB
- 655
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This mod significantly expands the variety of systems and planets you'll encounter while exploring.
A simple mod that lets ships in battle say some useful (and not-so-useful) things. Sometimes they even sound like characters from your favorite video games.
- 1018KB
- 452
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A simple mod that lets ships in battle say some useful (and not-so-useful) things. Sometimes they even sound like characters from your favorite video games.
Claiming ownership over millions of people's possessions might seem like a bold claim, but that is one the Diable Avionics Corporation intends to enforce, with deadly means if necessary.
- 45.2MB
- 449
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Claiming ownership over millions of people's possessions might seem like a bold claim, but that is one the Diable Avionics Corporation intends to enforce, with deadly means if necessary.
An unofficial developer's console for Starsector.
Adds the Anarakis Reparations Society, a duplicitous quasi nation of privateers flying fragile, angular ships designed to avoid fair fights, and capitalize on unfair ones.
- 51.4MB
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Adds the Anarakis Reparations Society, a duplicitous quasi nation of privateers flying fragile, angular ships designed to avoid fair fights, and capitalize on unfair ones.
"We help the poor, lift the desperate, mend the broken, and together, we build a better future."
- 35.5MB
- 308
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"We help the poor, lift the desperate, mend the broken, and together, we build a better future."
A content expansion mod that adds new ships, weapons and fighter wings that aim to fit in with the vanilla game's content while still offering new ideas. Additionally includes some campaign-level content.
- 1.9MB
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A content expansion mod that adds new ships, weapons and fighter wings that aim to fit in with the vanilla game's content while still offering new ideas. Additionally includes some campaign-level content.
This mod reminds you when you haven't saved in a while, and can optionally save automatically for you.
- 10KB
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This mod reminds you when you haven't saved in a while, and can optionally save automatically for you.
A complete rebalance of Starsector that focuses on smaller weapons, more fighters and a heavy addition of lore content.
- 392.4MB
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A complete rebalance of Starsector that focuses on smaller weapons, more fighters and a heavy addition of lore content.
This mod adds a simple, classically-styled radar to the combat interface.
More Ship Names adds 16,770 thematically-appropriate ship names to the name lists for ships to (randomly) select from. (15,270 names for conventional ships, and 1,000 + 500 for REDACTED ships.)If you're tired of seeing ships called Einstein's Demon and To Goddard With Apologies, then this mod is for you!
- 123KB
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More Ship Names adds 16,770 thematically-appropriate ship names to the name lists for ships to (randomly) select from. (15,270 names for conventional ships, and 1,000 + 500 for REDACTED ships.)If you're tired of seeing ships called Einstein's Demon and To Goddard With Apologies, then this mod is for you!
Blood-thirsty pirates for some, ruthless slavers for others, treacherous spies for the rest... The Sector is a tough place to live in, and like many others the Scyan people have been forced to compromise their principles in order to survive.
- 36.6MB
- 228
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Blood-thirsty pirates for some, ruthless slavers for others, treacherous spies for the rest... The Sector is a tough place to live in, and like many others the Scyan people have been forced to compromise their principles in order to survive.
ThirstSector - A Complete Portrait Replacer
ThirstSector is a complete portrait replacer for all generic and named characters in the base game as well as a handful of mods. This is a SFW mod with an optional NSFW expansion.
- 6.8MB
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ThirstSector - A Complete Portrait Replacer
ThirstSector is a complete portrait replacer for all generic and named characters in the base game as well as a handful of mods. This is a SFW mod with an optional NSFW expansion.
This mod lets you know when an update is available for your game or installed mods.
An utility mod modifying the vanilla beams to better differentiate them.
Star Wars mod Reboot. Introducing Galactic Empire, New Republic and more factions into the game.
- 99.6MB
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Star Wars mod Reboot. Introducing Galactic Empire, New Republic and more factions into the game.
Adds various ships that i personally feel are missing from the game. Hence the name Missing Ships. Ships are integrated into vanilla factions and are balanced around vanilla ships and normal difficulty.
- 3.1MB
- 166
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Adds various ships that i personally feel are missing from the game. Hence the name Missing Ships. Ships are integrated into vanilla factions and are balanced around vanilla ships and normal difficulty.