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Allows you to remove legendary modules from existing items, or find them around the verse, and place them on others.
- 42KB
- 2.2k
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Allows you to remove legendary modules from existing items, or find them around the verse, and place them on others.
Item Sorter - Better Weapon and Armor Names - Improved Naming Scheme
Sorts all of your weapons, space suits, helmets and backpacks into a much more manageable naming scheme. Comes with many customization options. Default will rename "Calibrated Beast Hunter's Eon EM" to "Eon | Calibrated | Beast Hunter | EM". Supports all languages.
- 4.4MB
- 1.5k
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Item Sorter - Better Weapon and Armor Names - Improved Naming Scheme
Sorts all of your weapons, space suits, helmets and backpacks into a much more manageable naming scheme. Comes with many customization options. Default will rename "Calibrated Beast Hunter's Eon EM" to "Eon | Calibrated | Beast Hunter | EM". Supports all languages.
Visible Credit Stick and Digipick
A more visible retexture of credit sticks and digipicks
- 2.3MB
- 718
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Visible Credit Stick and Digipick
A more visible retexture of credit sticks and digipicks
Makes the Chronomark watch visible on your left wrist, as it always should have been. Also equips the watch on other specific members of Constellation.
- 92KB
- 628
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Makes the Chronomark watch visible on your left wrist, as it always should have been. Also equips the watch on other specific members of Constellation.
A mod you didn't know you need until you see it.Removes all the gross Tupperware that surrounds your delicious food. Making it more aesthetically pleasing and yummy.
- 98KB
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A mod you didn't know you need until you see it.Removes all the gross Tupperware that surrounds your delicious food. Making it more aesthetically pleasing and yummy.
Gives packaged Chunks see-through packaging.
Replaces all the excerpts from in-game books with short stories, gives you new books to collect, and redistributes them in a more logical manner.
- 17.6MB
- 397
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Replaces all the excerpts from in-game books with short stories, gives you new books to collect, and redistributes them in a more logical manner.
Adds new neuroamps to the game.
There are some books in Starfield that, when obtained/read, start a new quest to go visit some Landmark. However, it's difficult to tell these books apart from the many other books in the game that are completely useless to loot. This mod appends " (Landmark)" to the names of all books that start these quests, to make it easy to see which to loot.
- 12KB
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There are some books in Starfield that, when obtained/read, start a new quest to go visit some Landmark. However, it's difficult to tell these books apart from the many other books in the game that are completely useless to loot. This mod appends " (Landmark)" to the names of all books that start these quests, to make it easy to see which to loot.
An overhaul project for bottles', can etc label : Chandra Wines, beers, drinkpack.
All companions give the same gift items. Instead of getting leaves or whatever from Sarah, you'll get ammo, credits, or a digipick.
- 1KB
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All companions give the same gift items. Instead of getting leaves or whatever from Sarah, you'll get ammo, credits, or a digipick.
All Outpost Materials BAT File
This BAT will give you all necessary resources to build anything in your outpostIf anyone has any other mod ideas, let me know and ill try it
- 2KB
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All Outpost Materials BAT File
This BAT will give you all necessary resources to build anything in your outpostIf anyone has any other mod ideas, let me know and ill try it
Makes Vacuum Tape count as an adhesive.
Adds 26 new POI's that are guarded by the Core Reavers.Adds socketing suit power cores using new special resources.Buffs range from resistances, extra damage, hazard protection, stealth, carry weights and more.
- 18.8MB
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Adds 26 new POI's that are guarded by the Core Reavers.Adds socketing suit power cores using new special resources.Buffs range from resistances, extra damage, hazard protection, stealth, carry weights and more.
This script adds all 115 skill magazines in a neat pile in front of you.
Skully's Emporium AIO Part One
This Mod adds 759 items to the build menus. Please read Description before use.
- 253KB
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Skully's Emporium AIO Part One
This Mod adds 759 items to the build menus. Please read Description before use.
Craft Adhesive from Vacuum Tape
Misc items are flagged as a resource or have a crafting recipe to make resources as appropriate.
- 1KB
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Craft Adhesive from Vacuum Tape
Misc items are flagged as a resource or have a crafting recipe to make resources as appropriate.
A retexture of most of the Drink Pack
Allows Varuun Zealots (and Starborn) in the base game to use new equipment that was added in Shattered Space DLC. Legendary Shattered Space Weapons and Armor also have a (small) chance to drop from Legendary Zealots in the base game.
- 8KB
- 152
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Allows Varuun Zealots (and Starborn) in the base game to use new equipment that was added in Shattered Space DLC. Legendary Shattered Space Weapons and Armor also have a (small) chance to drop from Legendary Zealots in the base game.
Makes resources not take up any weight in your ship. Also comes with a different version that makes resources not take up any weight period.
- 19KB
- 146
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Makes resources not take up any weight in your ship. Also comes with a different version that makes resources not take up any weight period.