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Explore the Galaxy!

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Interplanetary Travel
Travel to other planets in a Star System. The planets will automatically load/render once you get close enough. You can pair this with Black Loading Screen Remover to make this appear practically seamless.

Choose from a selection of Supercruise modes to travel through the Galaxy at a speed of your choice. Also allows your ship to come to a complete stop no matter how fast you're going.


Travel to a Planet's orbit or surface without having to be in the pilot seat. Planets can also be saved to a "Favorites" list for convenience. Autopilot can be deactivated by sitting in your pilot seat. While off by default, Inter-system Autopilot can be configured from the Gameplay Options menu.

Mark Planets to your Cockpit HUD

Mark a Planet of your choosing to your HUD so that you can easily Grav Jump or Supercruise there. The Planet can be selected from your "Favorites" or from of a list of the Planets in your Star System.

Surface Landing and Takeoffs
Remotely make your ship Takeoff and Land while on a planet's surface using a Remote Control.
Additionally, you can make your Spaceship takeoff automatically when entering it.

You can configure Astrogate's behavior in the Gameplay Options menu.

Built-in Compatibility

Immersive Landing Ramps by SkinnyPig2

Ships Need Gas by ghostfc3s

Fuel Consumption Unlocked
by 7StarC


To use Supercruise, remove all Power from your Shield and add Power to your Grav Drive. After a few seconds, Supercruise will engage. Once Supercruise is engaged, use your ship's boost. Each Grav Drive Power Slot corresponds to a Supercruise Level up to 12. Disengaging your ship's boost will make your ship come to a complete stop. While Supercruise is engaged, your ship's boost fuel and recharge will change to suit your new speed. Once disengaged, your ship's boost will return to normal.
Supercruise can be disengaged by removing all Power from your Grav Drive or adding Power to your Shield.

To use Autopilot, equip the "Ship Controls" item that is added to your inventory to open the menu and select "Set Autopilot Destination". Once a destination is set, select the "Engage Autopilot" option. You can also sleep/wait to arrive at your destination instantly.

Marking a Planet on your Cockpit HUD
To mark a planet on your Cockpit HUD, equip the "Ship Controls" item that is added to your inventory while sitting in your pilot seat to open the menu and select "Mark Planet on HUD". Then select a Planet from your current Star System or your Favorites.

All Console Commands:

Open Menu:
cgf "ShipControlsGlobal.ShowShipControls"

Increase Grav Drive Power:
cgf "ShipControlsGlobal.IncreaseGravDrivePower"

Decrease Grav Drive Power:
cgf "ShipControlsGlobal.DecreaseGravDrivePower"

Set Grav Drive Power:
cgf "ShipControlsGlobal.SetGravDrivePower" X

Disable Supercruise and Remove Power from Grav Drive:
cgf "ShipControlsGlobal.DisableSupercruise"

Land on current planet(must be in space):
cgf "ShipControlsGlobal.CreateLandingMarkerAndLand"

Toggle Fuel Consumption(must have compatible fuel mod installed):
cgf "ShipControlsGlobal.ToggleFuelConsumption"

Unload Astrogate for Un-installation(Not required for uninstall but is recommended):
cgf "ShipControlsGlobal.UnloadScript"

Debug Console Commands:

cgf "ShipControlsGlobal.TogglePlanetDetection" - Toggle Planet Detection (Debug)
cgf "ShipControlsGlobal.ReloadWorld" - Reload World/Load Planets (Debug)
cgf "ShipControlsGlobal.PrintStoredShipDefaultValues" - Show Stored Ship Default Values (Debug)
cgf "ShipControlsGlobal.PrintCurrentShipValues" - Show Current Ship Default Values (Debug)
cgf "ShipControlsGlobal.RemovedStoredShipData" - Remove Astrogate's stored Ship Data (Debug)
cgf "ShipControlsGlobal.ReinitializeScript" - Reload Astrogate (Debug)