About this mod
New standalone "Lasersaber" melee weapons and a perk tree that unlocks projectile deflection.
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Currently adds 4 new standalone "Lasersaber" melee weapons and a perk tree that unlocks projectile deflections once you have the blue "Star Power" bar. The Combatech Polaris, The Arboron Novabeam Saber, The Kore Kinetics MagStrike, and the Old Earth Photonsaber. These weapons have workbench upgrades and can spawn on enemies, vendors or with legendary effects like any other melee weapon.
Standalone Sabers With Workbench Upgrades
New Perk Tree
Deflection Ability
Install with a mod manager or move the files into your Starfield directory and enable from the creations menu.
Perk information:
The perk will unlock once you complete the first temple or trigger the powers tutorial. The deflections have a power cost and will stagger you if attempted without power. If you attempt to deflect an enemy 10+ levels above you it will cost about 4x more power.
Rank 1: Deflection cost 3 power per shot for automatic weapons and 6 for everything else. "Powerful projectiles" here means anything with the Heavy, Sniper, or Shotgun keyword.
Rank 2: flat chance increase nothing special.
Rank 3: Specific weapon projectiles no longer stagger but the "out of power" stagger will still occur and all projectiles now cost 3 power.
Rank 4: This may be a little overpowered but is very fun. :)
Leveled List Information:
The new Sabers will spawn at these levels for the player and NPCs
Old Earth Photonsaber - Level 4
Novabeam Saber - Level 8
MagStrike - Level 12
Polaris - Level 15
Sabers have been injected into the following leveled lists
Saber Manufactures:
Arboron Design: Novabeam Saber
CombaTech Design: Polaris
Old Earth Design: Old Earth Photonsaber
Kore Kinetics Design: MagStrike
Allied Armaments Design: Planned
Laredo Design: Planned
Known Issues:
Some minor UI and icon bugs, unfortunately this cant currently be fixed.
Has built in support for TN's Melee Weapon Modifications additional battery and crystal upgrades, no special requirements just have both installed.
Only useful for mod authors:
I designed the perk to work with a harmless vanilla Keyword "NotJunkJetAmmo" so it would be easy to support or add new mod weapons. This mod isn't required to be a master or need load order adjustments, if you add that Keyword to a melee weapon it will just work or simply have no effect without this mod installed.
My Other Mods: