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  1. Stentorious
    • premium
    • 588 kudos
  2. PurposeLess81
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I just can't get this and Compact Inventory to work. I've removed every single one of my UI mods, including stuff like Cleanfield which have absolutely nothing to do with this, just on the slim chance that some sort of Creation Engine jank was causing that mod to break this one, but no. All three of my interface folders are empty (The one in the installation folder, the one in the Documents folder and the one inside the override folder of MO2), I've made sure there isn't a single UI mod in my computer expect your mods, and yet still, Compact Ship Builder and Compact Inventory refuse to work. I've tried manual installation on both folders as well. It doesn't work. I'm out of ideas.
    1. FloralFlora
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      The one in the installation folder, the one in the Documents folder and the one inside the override folder of MO2
      i am a MO2 user too though, this mod works with StarUI inventory, compact crew, mission menu
      as you know... did you see this path -> :\Modding\MO2\mods ? in my document folder, there are only Save data(because i didn't choose independent save setting, following default path), some SFSE files only (chargen and dumped log files)
      also i always doing keep clean my Overwrite folder so there is no any files
    2. franebleu
      • premium
      • 31 kudos
      Same situation here, install seems perfect no conflict whatsoever, last version.
      A resolution thing perhaps ? Mine is not great 1080p, could it be that ?
      My fps went straight up when switching StarUI shipbuilder for Compact Ship Builder UI (cool!), but I have big panels, seems like vanilla if not bigger ? What could I have missed ?
      (MO loose file load order is correct and without conflict, 100%, I tried with the full Compact UI suite, no difference)
  3. DocDolor
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Mod breaks the color customization option of the new REV-8 brought into the game by the latest update.
    1. Stentorious
      • premium
      • 588 kudos
    2. DocDolor
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you for your work! Great!
    3. FloralFlora
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      thank you!!
  4. NordPaladin
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Vortex asks which mod should be downloaded first: Compact Ship Builder UI or StarUI Ship Builder? 
    And also, Vortex says that they conflict.
    1. PrismaticHunter
      • supporter
      • 15 kudos
      The mods aren't really compatible, they do the same thing and edit the same files. Pick one or the other.

      Edit: This applies for all Compact UI / StarUI mods. Pick one or the other for each, not both.
    2. Stentorious
      • premium
      • 588 kudos
      Exactly, pick one or the other.
  5. jrh643
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    What does this mod do exactly? Making it so you don't have to scroll through the items? I have so many things I have to scroll regardless. I don't get it. 
    1. Stentorious
      • premium
      • 588 kudos
      Simply compacts the UI so you can see more items on screen at once, and optionally removes the vignette from the builder menu.
  6. windy321
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Doesn't work on version
    1. Stentorious
      • premium
      • 588 kudos
      It does
  7. kwn2k
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    I was wondering if it was possible to add Ship Class filter to this mod like StarUI Ship Builder have, i would use  StarUI Ship Builder if it didnt mess up the habs category since the new empty habs have been added to the game.

    thanks in advance if it possible.
  8. SmurfMartin2401
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    My UI looks completely different then the one on the Pics...
  9. lncubus
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Is anyone having problems in the HAB section after the May 15th update?
    It would seem that the menus are behaving strangely and are not giving me the ability to scroll through the module type.
    1. Reep223
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      yea update broke a few mods like the ship ui and retextures have to wait for the mods to update also, need to uninstall till then x(
    2. hughesjr99
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      This is also true for StarUI mods as well.  Same Sections.  I guess it is the main UI if you want to play for the time being.  ARGH :(

      NOTE:  Not at all directed to the mod author .. just at the default UI Elements.  Mod authrs provide an absoultely critical service.  here's hoping they can figure this issue out.
    3. Stentorious
      • premium
      • 588 kudos
      Updated to fix!
    4. lncubus
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      You are a legend.
      Everything works now thanks for the update <3
    5. Wintceas
      • supporter
      • 17 kudos
      You're my hero, Stentorious! Thanks!
  10. mp5lng
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    This and TN's Useful Ship Structure is all we ever need, thanks a million for the quick update!
  11. NewThalos
    • premium
    • 29 kudos
    Anyone experiencing any issues since the 2/20/24 Starfield update?
    1. Stentorious
      • premium
      • 588 kudos
      What type of issues?