Upcoming NEW weapons

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Two totally new upcoming weapons.

Defiler: A heavy particle cannon to easily rival similar weapons, if not beat them.
Rare as heck. Expensive to craft. So much fun it might even put a smile on a Zealot's face.

Viper: Because the StarShard suuuuucks. We were going to just replace it, but this way is better.
Easily on-par with the novalight (which we used to get the animations), certainly better than the 'shard.
Capable, versatile, and simple. Ideally suited to smaller spaces such as ships and corridors. Not so great over distance.

While yes; These ARE late game weapons, we'll be taking at least as much care to balance them as we did with the Inflictor mod.
No shortcuts. We want to make quality mods with each being better than the last as we develop.

And IF you'd like to support us we have a Patreon, and a Discord.


  1. ace91134
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    any plans to make Varuun themed STS weapons?
    1. Deantendo
      • supporter
      • 37 kudos
    2. ace91134
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Ship To Ship
  2. ace91134
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Me waiting for the defiler
    1. Deantendo
      • supporter
      • 37 kudos
      Me too, me too...

      We had to figure some stuff out to get it working how we wanted. Now we need to get it textured, tested, adjusted, balanced... But we are two people and this stuff takes a lot of work on the technical side, plus other projects come up and distract us all the time.
  3. TheAntiSaint
    • premium
    • 30 kudos
    Holy Defiler Batman! 🧐
  4. YukinoRM
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    The Defiler's most likely going to put one hell of a smile on Betty's face. I know I'll be grinning like a lunatic.

    And the Viper is just *chef's kiss*. Gonna be collecting a ton of these (along with the Defiler and as many Inflictors as I can find).

    Are there going to be unique variants, or is it just the regular versions for now/no unique variants, period?
    1. Deantendo
      • supporter
      • 37 kudos
      As is for now. we're fighting with how the game is/n't structured.
      Rare either way, so maybe in a handful of locations/at min levels.

      The guns are kinda the opposites of each other. Viper is for close combat, essentially boarding and indoors, where the Defiler is best suited for outdoor against groups or very tough enemies.

      Neither will have many addons or options to start with as they're tuned to those roles
    2. YukinoRM
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos

      And I just realised it was dumb of me to ask about unique reskins, seeing as there's the skin option for the weapons...
    3. Deantendo
      • supporter
      • 37 kudos
      Not dumb at all.

      Some of our guns will have unique variants, some will have skin options. We'll see how it goes, what feels like a good update or whatever.