First chance to meet Jennifyrr

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Oh my dog !

The character creation system is soooo fluffing clunky, even Racemenu can't help me.
But, still happy how Jennifyrr turned out.

Well, here she is : 

  • Tomboy
  • Loves gadgets, computers and weapons (in no particular order)
  • Ex United Colonies computernerd-chick, fired because of " issues with authority "
             (she didn't want to suck the Team Manager's [ BLEEP ] to get a promotion)
  • Hates UC
  • Pretty good with guns (thanks dad !)
  • Bad with relations and flirty men in particularly
  • Hates UC
  • Feels "kinda funny" around women
  • Introvert
  • Unresponsible, sometimes unhinged
  • Grumpy most days, PMS-mood the rest of the month
  • Dislikes maintenance, good repair skills
  • Hates UC
  • " There is no "I" in Team, and there is no "D" in Me "

How a young girl named Cassi became a living nightmare named Jennifyrr.

Once upon a sad story.....

One day , the manager of her team "offered" Cassi (then only 19 years old) a promotion, if only she would "get on her knees" and say "thank you". She obviously refused and almost bit off the guy's "joystick". As a result she was raped by the entire male staff and left for dead on one of the outer rim planets.
While she was struggling to stay alive she made herself promise that they were going to pay for what they did to her.

Broke and with nothing but the clothes she was wearing, she had no choice but to get a job if she ever wanted to tend to her wounds, heal, and bring these bastards to justice.
One day she found a job as a dusty : mining ore with a laser cutter. Not much different than shooting targets at the shooting range. Her dad taught her how to shoot and even hit the target.
As a dusty she didn't earn much, so it took Cassi several weeks to work through the pain and save enough credits to finally get some decent medical care. Decent, instead of the services offered by these butchers that acted like surgeons on the outer rim planets. Still, it did involve some "alien dna" they said.
About three months later her savings were even enough to book a passage back to the more civilized parts of the universe. Cassi's first step in pursuing her targets.

Living on these mining planets made her realize that people are an absolute bloody mess on the inside.
Multiple times he witnessed several dusties heading for the infirmary with cut off pieces of their body in their hands, or on one occasion, several parts in a bloody plastic bag. Her dad's weapon training had taught her to be careful with all kinds of weapons and to stay level headed around them all the time.
She'd often shook her head when another dusty had amputated his own right pinky toe.

Yeah, living like this, getting dirty on these dangerous mining jobs made her tough alright, but it also made her sad. Also, she got stronger, physically, but she was still quite weak emotionally. Then again : her target was never out of sight, even when mining was sometimes ridiculously exhausting.
She was not able to forget what happened to her and who was responsible for her life being in pieces.
Nightmares about that incident haunted her every single night for months now.

More than a year had passed, and Cassi (now almost 22 years old) had made quite a career with her mining skills and earned enough respect from her bosses to get a few raises. Her wage was getting pretty decent, and she was making enough credits to be able to rent a room if she had to mine on one particular planet for an extended period of time. And she would still have some credits left to buy real food. If she continued like this, she could soon afford the trip to New Atlantis : UC Capitol. Where she would hire some lawyers and bring her attackers to justice !
But Cassi would never find out how long it would take to save up the credits needed for that trip.

One day Cassi realised her life was the only thing she had left, when she found out she couldn't access her credit-account, because it was gone. The bar-stewards !!!
Someone had taken all her credits and had closed the account, leaving her with nothing. Everything was gone ! She quickly realized it must have been the UC people.
They must have found out she survived the violent rape and were now trying to keep her away from New Atlantis. They were monitoring her ways, tracking her every move...

It almost felt like an actual switch clicking in her head. The last safeguard in her brain gave way. She had only one thing to live for now: Make the whole UC pay for what they did to her.
Revenge, cold but sweet revenge. Her nerd brain switched to the highest gear, the mission was automatically being programmed in her head.
Flashes of dad telling her how to pin your target, how to survive on any planet, how to bust open a save. His Ranger training had taught her so much !

First things first : A new identity
Second : Lots of credits
Third : Weapons
And the last part : A plan to hurt the UC very, very bad

After a few weeks of working double shifts she had saved up enough credits to get in touch with an information broker, who apparently was a very cute blond girl, from around her age.
She was like a magician... with Cassi's identity and with her heart (and more) .... Cassi got all warm and fuzzy for the first time, but tried not to get distracted.... too much.
A weekend full of passionate love and some documents and Cassi was gone. She just wasn't around anymore.
Cassi had died in a "tragic mining accident" and was put in an unmarked poor man's grave.

Jennifyrr on the other hand, had been woken up by the brief but passionate love affair and the new documents with the new identity. As far as the UC could tell, Cassi was gone.
She never saw that cute blond magician again, but never stopped thinking about her either.
This new Jennifyrr , age 25, had a "military background" and because of that was quickly hired again by the mining companies and with the credits she could buy some food and some more information.
Just two weeks later Jennifyrr got a tip on a successful mining group that got paid handsomely by their contractor a couple of years back, for a mining gig on some planet called what's-her-face.. She needed to find out who this mining group were and how to get them to hire her. Just do some jobs for them and then hope she would be recruited for another one of those big jobs, because that would make the credit problem disappear real quick !

Now to get in touch with that mining group.
If she could only remember the name of that planet again where the group had that big mining contract....
Was it .....

Bindi ?


  1. DangerousChicken12
    • supporter
    • 180 kudos
    Hey DD, nice work, sadly I could not continue Starfield, just was not enjoying it.
    I hope you have more fun with your new character!!
    1. DarkDominion
      • premium
      • 460 kudos
      Awww :(  no more Starfish ?  Too bad man !

      I'm not having much fun with anything atm anyway, seeing as that my marriage is over and I'm in the middle of a divorce...
      But, I'll be back someday on the fun side of life
    2. DangerousChicken12
      • supporter
      • 180 kudos
      Oh I am sorry to hear that DD, Harmful Goat still plays Starfish on his steam deck,
      he just got to New Game +, he is so excited!! All the best my friend and take care.
      You will return to the fun side soon!
    3. DarkDominion
      • premium
      • 460 kudos
      Thank you my friend, I shall return, or die trying !
  2. halcyonpurge
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    this post inspired me to start my next playthrough as a flirty UC extremist with the biggest muscles in the systems, thank you
    1. DarkDominion
      • premium
      • 460 kudos

      Let's go !!
  3. CreepingDarkness
    • member
    • 15 kudos
    those type of managers are the worst but even worse are ones that want you to tickle their who-ha or the orc ones that want you to grab their grok knock-knocks