
WARNING: Console commands may disable achievements if you don't have mods that prevent this behavior.

TXT presets are an easy way of applying specific morphs to a body without changing other appearance and details - like face, hairstyle, etc. All it affects is the body morphs, so, the body shape.

How to use txt presets?
  • Move txt preset to the game folder, not data.
  • Open console in the game.
  • Select an npc/player, ensure correct id of the selected actor in the console.
  • Execute this, replacing presetname with the preset name without .txt extension:
bat presetname
Body preset should be applied correctly.

What are .txt presets?
Nothing new: txt preset is a regular file with console commands that are executed upon writing bat yourfilename in console. It consists of multiple ApplyChargenMorph commands, and SwitchSkeleton 0 and SwitchSkeleton 1 at the end of the file; testing has shown that the last one is required for changes to update instantly.

How to make your own preset?
There is a simple Blender addon solely for creating txt presets. For previewing/making, you would need a mesh with ABT shape-keys (you can obtain the it by extracting the archive and importing extracted morphs for the outfit). The .txt preset will work on all outfits.
Adjust the shape-keys and save it as .txt file. No sculpting, modifiers or other mesh edits will work. Only shape-key values (1.0 is max) are saved.

There is a short instruction here:
Addon download:

Can CharGenMenu body presets be converted?
Theoretically, yes: all is needed is to take specific related morphs from the CharGenMenu preset and convert it to a txt file that will contain console commands. If you want to do it manually, take a clean preset from the optional files and replace relevant morph values (numbers) with the ones that are found in the CharGenMenu preset.

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