
This guide walks you through installing and configuring SF1Edit for use in Mod Organizer 2

1. From the SF1Edit page, manually download SF1Edit 4.1.5 EXPERIMENTAL

2. Copy/Paste the SF1Edit 4.1.5 folder somewhere you can find it. The easiest place is to place it in \YourModOrganizer2Directory\

3. Open Mod Organizer if you don't already have it running.

4. Click on Starfield just above the Plugins tab in the right window and then select <Edit...>

5. Click the + to add an executable, then 'Add from file...'

6. Find SF1Edit64.exe in the folder you extracted SF1Edit to and select it.

7. When you're back at the MO2 page, click Apply

8. Repeat steps 5 and 6, this time selecting SF1EditQuickAutoClean64.exe and then click Apply again and close the window with 'OK'

SF1Edit will let you view and modify the contents of esm files. SF1EditQuickAutoClean will let you remove Identical to Master (ITM) records and restores improperly deleted references. If you're following the Starlit guide, I will cover some of this in more detail there.

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