Possible Keybindings (not exhaustive!):
Keyboard Keybinds:
Note: All single keys must be CAPITALIZED.
Single Keys
e.g. Z, T, G, B, etc.
Key Modifiers + Single Keys
e.g. Shift-1, Shift-2, Alt-1, Ctrl-1, etc.
Multiple Key Modifiers + Single Keys
Order of modifiers is important - use them in this order: Shift, Ctrl, Alt.
e.g. Shift-Ctrl-1, Shift-Alt-B, Ctrl-Alt-T, Shift-Ctrl-Alt-H
Note the capitalization of NumPad.
e.g. NumPad0, NumPad1 to NumPad9, NumPad*, NumPad+, NumPad-, etc.
Special Keys:
e.g. R Ctrl (with a space), R Alt, PgUp, PgDn, Home, End, ScrlLock, NumLock, Backspace, Insert, Delete, Caps Lock
Mouse Keybinds:
Controller Keybinds:
Xenon_A / Xenon_B / Xenon_X / Xenon_Y
Xenon_Select / Xenon_Start
Xenon_LS / Xenon_L1 / Xenon_L2 / Xenon_L3
Xenon_RS / Xenon_R1 / Xenon_R2 / Xenon_R3
DPad_Up / DPad_Down / DPad_Left / DPad_Right
To use hotkeys on Xbox 360 controllers without overriding a default action, you can map the Xbox Guide button to the Shift key with JoyToKey, and prefix your controller keybinds with Shift-<keybind> (e.g. Shift-DPad_Up). You can then access hotkeys by pressing the Xbox Guide button + your assigned button.
Do you have the controler keybind for Xbox One please ?
what are the....
Xenon_LS / Xenon_L1 / Xenon_L2 / Xenon_L3
Xenon_RS / Xenon_R1 / Xenon_R2 / Xenon_R3
i assume LS and RS mean left and right stick, and 1 2 3 refer to buttons and triggers, but there are only 2 on each side, so what is the 3rd? which are which? or am i just completely wrong?
To be more precise: By default the mousewheel controls the camera zooming in and out, but I had to change that to Numpad+ and Numpad- keys. This is due to the mouse wheel now controlling my character's speed. This is done in the StarfieldHotkeys.ini. Now I would like to have Ctrl-MouseWheelUp and Ctrl-MouseWheelDown control the camera as before but I do not know what to write after the = sign
This did not work sadly:
how can i use the Numpad keys with let's say, equip 2 apparels with 1 numkey and 1 numkey to unequip it.
thanks if anyone can help me with this.
got it to work to equip gears but now how do i unequip it
nevermind. i figured it out.
this macro let me toggle on and off suit and accessories,
NumPad1=if "14".getEquipped 001D8426; "14".unequipItem 001D8426; else; "14".equipItem 001D8426; endif; if "14".getEquipped 0010051F; "14".unequipItem 0010051F; else; "14".equipItem 0010051F; endif; if player.getav A73F8 != 0; player.setav A73F8 0; else; player.setav A73F8 1; endif ;
But I still wanted better/faster/instant access to powers. And a way to bypass powers. Usually I can disable vanilla button functions through I think the controlmap. It's been awhile. Can't figure out how to read. Has weird black highlighted text that I have no idea what to do with. Tried some replace all expression trick that didn't work for me. So I haven't refigured out how to tinker with the controlmap yet.
So to make a long story a tad longer, my current fix has been disabling the gamepad in the ini. Then used JoytoKey (free version) to map all controller buttons to what I want on keyboard.
So now I have all vanilla actions. Made only one dpad arrow open favorites menu. Took scanner off LB. Turned LB into a shift modifier. Now when I hold LB and press a button, it instantly casts the power I mapped. So I can have anywhere from 4 to 12 powers always ready, no menus or switching. Switched melee to B and combat slide/Crouch to RS. B as melee with LB + B= Gravity wave is nice.
Horizontal boost works perfectly. I also managed to create a weapon swap button. So I swap between my main gun of choice and pistol/sidearm without menus. Like COD. Debating making a quick swap to melee weapon but they seem to kinda suck. To keep the aesthetic of melee weapons without having to deal with bethesda's turrible melee, I'm thinking about making a default melee weapon slot and have all melee attacks (rifle butt, pistol whip) use the melee weapon instead.
Anyway, to wrap things up, total game changer for controller experience. Im trying to compare it to another game for reference but I'm just now realizing that I so heavily mod every game I get, I've no clue how games play unmodded.
You can only use it as an addon ( like Shift-T = . . . )
echo=CGF "Debug.Notification"
; [ Throwables ]
frag=if check 000115EF == 0 ; echo "Restock Frag Grenade!" ; else equip 000115EF ; endif ;
impa=if check 0026D89F == 0 ; echo "Restock Impact Grenade!" ; else equip 0026D89F ; endif ;
shra=if check 0026D89D == 0 ; echo "Restock Shrapnel Grenade!" ; else equip 0026D89D ; endif ;
ince=if check 0026F180 == 0 ; echo "Restock Incendiary Grenade!" ; else equip 0026F180 ; endif ;
part=if check 0026D89E == 0 ; echo "Restock Particle Grenade!" ; else equip 26D89E ; endif ;
cryo=if check 00389F34 == 0 ; echo "Restock Cryo Mine!" ; else equip 389F34 ; endif ;
infe=if check 00389F33 == 0 ; echo "Restock Inferno Mine!" ; else equip 389F33 ; endif ;
frgm=if check 0004A41A == 0 ; echo "Restock Fragmentation Mine!" ; else equip 4A41A ; endif ;
stun=if check 003C23E3 == 0 ; echo "Restock Stun Mine!" ; else equip 3C23E3 ; endif ;
tsla=if check 00389F37 == 0 ; echo "Restock Tesla Pylon!" ; else equip 389F37 ; endif ;
toxc=if check 003C23E4 == 0 ; echo "Restock Toxic Gas Mine!" ; else equip 3C23E4 ; endif ;
; Equip Frag Grenade
; Equip Impact Grenade
; Equip Shrapnel Grenade
; Equip Incendiary Grenade
; Equip Particle Grenade
; Equip Cryo Mine
; Equip Inferno Mine
; Equip Fragmentation Mine
;Equip Stun Mine
; Equip Tesla Pylon
; Equip Toxic Gas Mine
*UPDATE* I Was able to fix the issue. It was caused by the [Hotkeys] referring to the [Macro] section for whole command strings. Now I've moved the strings out of macro and set it up to directly input the command from [Hotkeys] section now my crashing issues are resolved. Also improved the text prompts to inform player if same throwable is already equipped and if player needs to restock desired throwables. I got it structured like this:
echo=CGF "Debug.Notification"
; [ Shift ]
; [ Throwables ]
; Equip Frag Grenade
Shift-1=if pge 000115EF == 1 ; echo "Frag Grenade Already Equipped!" ; elseif check 000115EF < 1 ; echo "Restock Frag Grenade!" ; else ; equip 000115EF ; endif ;
; Equip Impact Grenade
Shift-2=if pge 0026D89F == 1 ; echo "Impact Grenade Already Equipped!" ; elseif check 0026D89F < 1 ; echo "Restock Impact Grenade!" ; else ; equip 0026D89F ; endif ;
; Equip Shrapnel Grenade
Shift-3=if pge 0026D89D == 1 ; echo "Shrapnel Grenade Already Equipped!" ; elseif check 0026D89D < 1 ; echo "Restock Shrapnel Grenade!" ; else ; equip 0026D89D ; endif ;
; Equip Incendiary Grenade
Shift-4=if pge 0026F180 == 1 ; echo "Incendiary Grenade Already Equipped!" ; elseif check 0026F180 < 1 ; echo "Restock Incendiary Grenade!" ; else ; equip 0026F180 ; endif ;
; Equip Particle Grenade
Shift-5=if pge 0026D89E == 1 ; echo "Particle Grenade Already Equipped!" ; elseif check 0026D89E < 1 ; echo "Restock Particle Grenade!" ; else ; equip 26D89E ; endif ;
; Equip Cryo Mine
Shift-6=if pge 00389F34 == 1 ; echo "Cryo Mine Already Equipped!" ; elseif check 00389F34 < 1 ; echo "Restock Cryo Mine!" ; else ; equip 389F34 ; endif ;
; Equip Inferno Mine
Shift-7=if pge 00389F33 == 1 ; echo "Inferno Mine Already Equipped!" ; elseif check 00389F33 < 1 ; echo "Restock Inferno Mine!" ; else ; equip 389F33 ; endif ;
; Equip Fragmentation Mine
Shift-8=if pge 0004A41A == 1 ; echo "Fragmentation Mine Already Equipped!" ; elseif check 0004A41A < 1 ; echo "Restock Fragmentation Mine!" ; else ; equip 4A41A ; endif ;
;Equip Stun Mine
Shift-9=if pge 003C23E3 == 1 ; echo "Stun Mine Already Equipped!" ; elseif check 003C23E3 < 1 ; echo "Restock Stun Mine!" ; else ; equip 3C23E3 ; endif ;
; Equip Tesla Pylon
Shift-0=if pge 00389F37 == 1 ; echo "Tesla Pylon Already Equipped!" ; elseif check 00389F37 < 1 ; echo "Restock Tesla Pylon!" ; else ; equip 389F37 ; endif ;
; Equip Toxic Gas Mine
Shift--=if pge 003C23E4 == 1 ; echo "Toxic Gas Mine Already Equipped!" ; elseif check 003C23E4 < 1 ; echo "Restock Toxic Gas Mine!" ; else ; equip 3C23E4 ; endif ;
Hopefully this can help some people out :)