- Refine results Found 185 results. 20201 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: categories. (Clear filters)
Do fish laugh at you while escaping with your bait and tackle? You can now catch them without any struggle. Just hook them when they bite and you're done!Now updated with auto-fish (enable via config).
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Do fish laugh at you while escaping with your bait and tackle? You can now catch them without any struggle. Just hook them when they bite and you're done!Now updated with auto-fish (enable via config).
Made fishing easier.Compatible with Stardew Valley 1.2+.Compatible with Stardew Valley beta.
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Made fishing easier.Compatible with Stardew Valley 1.2+.Compatible with Stardew Valley beta.
Fishing Assistant 2 (1.6 Compatible)
Your personal fishing assistant. that will handle the tough, boring, and tiring fishing for you, without you having to click even once.
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Fishing Assistant 2 (1.6 Compatible)
Your personal fishing assistant. that will handle the tough, boring, and tiring fishing for you, without you having to click even once.
Fishing Made Easy Suite (Content Patcher)
Upgrade your fishing adventure! Tweak difficulty (easy/hard), fish availability (time, seasons, weather), spawn rates, and sell value. Remove trash, recatch legendary fish, fish Prismatic Shards, boost Fish Pond loot, exclude specific fish from the minigame, and much more! Dive into the ultimate fishing experience. Happy Fishing! :D
- 111KB
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Fishing Made Easy Suite (Content Patcher)
Upgrade your fishing adventure! Tweak difficulty (easy/hard), fish availability (time, seasons, weather), spawn rates, and sell value. Remove trash, recatch legendary fish, fish Prismatic Shards, boost Fish Pond loot, exclude specific fish from the minigame, and much more! Dive into the ultimate fishing experience. Happy Fishing! :D
Customizable Mod for easy fishing.
Auto play fish minigame and fishing rod auto hit.
Adds new fish to the game. Check list to see more info.
Having difficulty fishing and want to skip the minigame? Want to add bait to your bamboo pole? This is yet another mod that allows you to adjust various fishing-related options.
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Having difficulty fishing and want to skip the minigame? Want to add bait to your bamboo pole? This is yet another mod that allows you to adjust various fishing-related options.
Customisable overlays that show fish in current area when holding a fishing rod (or crab pot), and give preview during the fishing minigame.
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Customisable overlays that show fish in current area when holding a fishing rod (or crab pot), and give preview during the fishing minigame.
Animates all fish and other fishing related items, all configurable!
(WIP) Better Fishing and Beach Foraging
Want to change up the look of the fish, crab pots, and beach forageables in the game to be more realistic? Want more toned down colors? Look no further!
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(WIP) Better Fishing and Beach Foraging
Want to change up the look of the fish, crab pots, and beach forageables in the game to be more realistic? Want more toned down colors? Look no further!
Animates the fish of Stardew Valley Expanded (SVE). All configureable!
Skips the fishing minigame, casting and hitting still required
Fishing Made Easy Suite - SVE Expansion (Content Patcher)
This is an expansion of Fishing Made Easy Suite for Stardew Valley Expanded! Has an array of options to make fishing easier, make all fish spawn at all times, seasons, and/or weather, increase the sell value of all fish, make Prismatic Shards a fishable item, and much more! Happy Fishing :D
- 84KB
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Fishing Made Easy Suite - SVE Expansion (Content Patcher)
This is an expansion of Fishing Made Easy Suite for Stardew Valley Expanded! Has an array of options to make fishing easier, make all fish spawn at all times, seasons, and/or weather, increase the sell value of all fish, make Prismatic Shards a fishable item, and much more! Happy Fishing :D
Adds some helpful extra info to the description of each fish, including the location(s), season(s) and time(s) when each fish is found (where possible!).
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Adds some helpful extra info to the description of each fish, including the location(s), season(s) and time(s) when each fish is found (where possible!).
Animated Ridgeside Village Fish
Adds animations for the fish added by the Ridgeside Village mod by Rafseazz.
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Animated Ridgeside Village Fish
Adds animations for the fish added by the Ridgeside Village mod by Rafseazz.
Adds a fish net object which catches fish overnight
One of the most balanced fishing assistant mod. Have a try!
Easy Fishing (ported to SMAPI)
A simply port of Easy Fishing to SMAPI that allows you to use it without modify the game .xnb files.
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Easy Fishing (ported to SMAPI)
A simply port of Easy Fishing to SMAPI that allows you to use it without modify the game .xnb files.
Adds animations for the fish added by the East Scarp mod.