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About this mod

This mod revamps the Dinosaur farming experience by balancing prices and adding a new growth stage for the Dinosaur.

Permissions and credits
 This mod makes the Dinosaurs into the fearsome prehistoric predators that they were meant to be, and also adds craftable incubators.

What this mod includes:
  • Dinosaurs now grow up! They take 1 week to mature from the tiny, vanilla dinosaur into the Pepper Rex. They also live in Barns as opposed to Coops due to their increased size. 
  • Incubators can now be crafted and moved around. They can even be put outside, although they will not produce eggs while outside.
  • Dinosaur egg and mayonnaise prices have been increased for balancing purposes.
  • Dinosaurs now make the grunts instead of being silent
  • Configurable values for prices, dino maturity, and crafting materials.
  • New recipe unlocked at Combat 9! 
  • New skins for the dinosaurs if you want to jazz things up
Should be compatible with most mods; tested to be compatible with SVE
Incompatible with any mod that adds or changes entry 662, and any mod that alters the Dinosaur Sprites
Dinosaurs Growl now redundant

Thanks to ViralTank for the original Xnb mod (Better Dinosaur Ranching), and MJA1981 and swyrl for helping me with the JSON stuff.
Many thanks to Slugwyrm for giving me his/her/their dinosaur skins for implementation in the mod!

Known Issues:
Breaking the incubators while hatching will yield a "???" item, which cannot be placed down. 
Incubators included in the coops can't be broken and moved around
Big Dinosaurs invisible inside coop
False update notice

Future Updates:
More recipes
Dinosaur meat
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