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About this mod

Previously known as Expanded Berry Seeds. This mod expands crops from vanilla fruits such as Salmon/Spice/Black berries, as well as Crystal Fruit and Wild Plum. And veggies such as Spring Onion and Fiddlehead Fern.

Permissions and credits
This mod add the ability to plant:

  • Salmonberry and Spring Onion on Spring
  • Spice Berry and Fiddlehead Fern on Summer
  • Blackberry and Wild Plum on Fall
  • Crystal Fruit on Winter

It also adds the ability to retrieve seeds from Blackberry, Crystal Fruit, Fiddlehead Fern, Salmon Berry, Spring Onion and Wild Plum.

The seeds can be bought from Pierre, they have some requirements though (berries, plum and crystal fruit can be bought from year 2 onward, fiddlehead requires some playing). You can also obtain their seeds from throwing them at Seed Maker.

The crops and their seeds feature a nice set of sprites inspired directly from the vanilla game. Berries grow on trellices and the Salmonberry features a nice sprite which can be placed to build mazes.

*Credits to uberkwefty for his sprites on Spring Onion.


1.0.0 Introduced
1.0.3 Expanded to other vanilla crops hence changing to Expanded Vanilla Crops mod
1.0.4 Fix on minor error
1.0.5 Adding compatibility with PPJA Fruits and Veggie
1.0.6 Fixing wrong item id related to Crystal Fruit seeds