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  1. lforto20
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello! SMAPI keeps telling me to download an update, but when I download it new (I delete the old version and put the new one on just in case it won't override the old one) it still tells me I'm using an old version. It says I'm using 1.2.0, is there a new version I'm missing?
    • member
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    Can anyone tell me how to specifically trigger this cutscene? I don't know if I'm missing something or if the mods not working
  3. sunsetlover
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    is there a version in another language besides English?
    like portuguese?
    1. kristinthered
      • premium
      • 49 kudos
      Not yet, but I would love to work with someone to create a translated version of this mod!
    2. NuHouse
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Hi, I hope you don't hate me, but I see you are not very active on nexus anymore. I took the liberty of translating your mod to spanish, I would like you to check the description and tell me if you like it or if you want me to remove it. 
    3. Bunnilah
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Oi, eu fiz uma tradução!

      Abra a pasta do mod normalmente e abra o arquivo "content" no bloco de notas e cole isso no lugar

      {"Format": "1.13.0","ConfigSchema": {"EventChanges": {"AllowValues": "true, false","Default": "true","AllowBlank": false,},},"Changes": [{"LogName": "Farmhouse Events","Action": "EditData","Target": "Data/Events/Farmhouse","When": {"FarmhouseUpgrade": "2, 3",},"Entries": {//Marriage Event: Post Flower Dance Apology"64780001/O Sebastian/t 610 2150/z summer/z winter/z fall/u 25/F/p Sebastian": "none/12 20/farmer 12 20 0 Sebastian 14 15 3/skippable/pause 1250/viewport move 0 -5 1250/move farmer 0 -5 1/move farmer 1 0 1/speak Sebastian \"Ai está você, meu bem!$h#$b# Vem aqui, você.$l\"/faceDirection Sebastian 3/showFrame Sebastian 40/positionOffset Sebastian -25 0/animate farmer false true 100 101/playSound dwop/pause 1000/stopAnimation farmer/showFrame Sebastian 12/positionOffset Sebastian 25 0/pause 1000/speak Sebastian \"Eu quero falar com você sobre uma coisa...$6\"/pause 500/emote farmer 8/pause 1000/speak Sebastian \"Eu só queria me desculpar por ter sido um idiota ontem na dança das flores.\"/pause 1500/emote Sebastian 28/pause 1000/speak Sebastian \"Eu fico muito ansioso perto de outras pessoas...$s#$b# E eu não deveria ter sido tão grosseiro quando você me chamou para dançar.\"/pause 1500/speak Sebastian \"Eu estava pensando se eu poderia fazer as pazes com você...#$b#Posso te conceder uma dança?$l\"/playMusic SettlingIn/pause 500/emote farmer 32/globalfade/viewport -1000 -1000/pause 1500/message \"Parece que alguém estava treinando os movimentos de dança para você!\"/pause 1000/end"}},]}
  4. Bunnilah
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    For the people wanting the portuguese tranlation!!!
    Para as pessoas querendo a tradução em português!!!

    Abra a pasta do mod normalmente dps abra o "content.json" no bloco de notas e cole isto no lugar! (não sei como fazer disso um arquivo possível de baixar para vocês :( )

    {"Format": "1.13.0","ConfigSchema": {"EventChanges": {"AllowValues": "true, false","Default": "true","AllowBlank": false,},},"Changes": [{"LogName": "Farmhouse Events","Action": "EditData","Target": "Data/Events/Farmhouse","When": {"FarmhouseUpgrade": "2, 3",},"Entries": {//Marriage Event: Post Flower Dance Apology"64780001/O Sebastian/t 610 2150/z summer/z winter/z fall/u 25/F/p Sebastian": "none/12 20/farmer 12 20 0 Sebastian 14 15 3/skippable/pause 1250/viewport move 0 -5 1250/move farmer 0 -5 1/move farmer 1 0 1/speak Sebastian \"Ai está você, meu bem!$h#$b# Vem aqui, você.$l\"/faceDirection Sebastian 3/showFrame Sebastian 40/positionOffset Sebastian -25 0/animate farmer false true 100 101/playSound dwop/pause 1000/stopAnimation farmer/showFrame Sebastian 12/positionOffset Sebastian 25 0/pause 1000/speak Sebastian \"Eu quero falar com você sobre uma coisa...$6\"/pause 500/emote farmer 8/pause 1000/speak Sebastian \"Eu só queria me desculpar por ter sido um idiota ontem na dança das flores.\"/pause 1500/emote Sebastian 28/pause 1000/speak Sebastian \"Eu fico muito ansioso perto de outras pessoas...$s#$b# E eu não deveria ter sido tão grosseiro quando você me chamou para dançar.\"/pause 1500/speak Sebastian \"Eu estava pensando se eu poderia fazer as pazes com você...#$b#Posso te conceder uma dança?$l\"/playMusic SettlingIn/pause 500/emote farmer 32/globalfade/viewport -1000 -1000/pause 1500/message \"Parece que alguém estava treinando os movimentos de dança para você!\"/pause 1000/end"}},]}
  5. seaside0sonnet
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    does anyone know if this mod still works?
    1. kasumisasori
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Still works, the event happened ubove the kitchen in the void for me... but i have a plethora of other mods installed, or it could be the extra house expansions, just go back inside the house the day after the festival
    2. seaside0sonnet
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      that's great, i don't mind that as a bug, thanks!
  6. sarahelizas
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Keeps telling you to update? Do This: 

    After extracting the file into it's normal home, 
    - open the file, open "manifest" into notepad (for me it automatically opened there).
    - find the line that says "Version" the number next to it is labeled for the outdated version. 
    - change that number to "1.3.0" 
    - hit the x to close the tab, making sure to save. 

    Now when you run Stardew it should no longer ask you to update. <3
    1. Christinie
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Bro I LOVE YOU FOR THIS!!!
    2. Krystalan
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I LOVE YOU TOO~!!
    3. pbrownlowe
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      holy crap, much love to you!!!!

      the amount of times i've had to delete the file because i thought there was an unofficial update or something :(

      you rock!!!
    4. NuHouse
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Thank you very much, your comment was very helpful <3
  7. eimynha
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hi hi i love your mods and i love the idea of more gameplay after 4 year!! so i'm from brazil i'll learn here how to translate mods and i'll translate yours! and I have ideas for after fourth grade! well i wish you all the best!!!  sorry for my weak english     my discord - eimyy#3843
  8. jinnniiiiie
    • member
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    how can i trigger this post dance apology? 
    1. giesti
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I had the same question, so I checked the content file and apparently you need at least the second house upgrade for the event to trigger. Anyway, I guess it triggers automatically as soon as spring 25 starts.
    2. jinnniiiiie
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i didnt got the event tho, i guess it doesnt work anymore?? i tried redownloading it and do the spring 25 over and over and still got no apology 
    3. littleyellowcanary
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I know this is an old thread but I came here looking for answers so maybe others will too. I have the second house upgrade and I just entered the house again after 9am and the event triggered. It doesn't happen when you wake up, you have to go back inside the house later in the day.
  9. amberalia
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i really want to use this mod!! if i only knew advanced english, i would already be happy :')
    i'm from brazil :D
    1. kitchenkabuki
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm having this issue too. It says that there is a newer version (1.3.0) but I come here and there isn't an update. Lies.
    2. Ilyayah
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      tb sou do brasil e eh mt chato esses mods incriveis nao terem tradução.. pensando em eu mesma aprender a traduzir e postar aqui pq ta dificil
  10. Maccharon
    • member
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    Ok you guys I figured how to trigger this event I came back to my house in 7 pm in 25th and it triggered.