Custom NPC Haru - English Translation
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- Original File
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- Manual
About this mod
(Translation of) Mod that adds the NPC Haru into your Stardew Valley game! Adds a new teleporter in the witch's swamp that leads to Haru's home!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
(see original upload for more information and vanilla style portrait)
This is an English translation version of the Custom NPC Haru mod and if there is an error, please leave a post!
Make sure you have latest versions of the needed files.
Download the file from the files tab and extract the files from their zip.
Open the extracted file - "Custom NPC Haru - English Translation"
Find the "Maps XNB files" folder and open it.
The "Maps XNB files" folder should contain the XNB files "WitchSwamp" and "z_fairy".
Cut the files, go to your Stardew Valley game files, the contents folder, then the maps folder. (you should make a back-up of the contents folder first just in case)
Paste the cut files in the maps folder and replace the files when asked.
Go back to the "Custom NPC Haru - English Translation" folder in your downloads and you can just drag that whole folder into your mods folder!
Haru's Gift tastes should be stated in the txt file "Gift Tastes".
How to get each heart event is in txt file "Heart Event Guide".