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About this mod

Your personal fishing assistant. that will handle the tough, boring, and tiring fishing for you, without you having to click even once.

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Your personal fishing assistant. that will handle the tough, boring, and tiring fishing for you, without you having to click even once.

⚙️ Automation mode
cast and hook | play mini-games | loot treasure | trash junk | attach bait/tackle | eat food | pause at night

🛠️ Customize fishing mechanic
skip mini-game | instant fish bite | instant catch fish/treasure | preference of caught fish | treasure chance

🔍 Fish preview
preview current catching fish and show you if this mini-game has a treasure.

🎣 Customize Fishing rod
start with fishing rod | smart cast power | stacked enchantment | Infinite bait/tackles.

📝 In-game config menu
configurable options both in a config file and in-game.

👌 Support other languages
supported languages are Chinese, German, Korean, and Thai. Thank you to all the translators.

🔗 Requirements
🔽 Installation
  • Download and Install all mod requirements.
  • Download Fishing Assistant 2.
  • Decompress the downloaded zip file to the Mods directory of your Stardew Valley installation.
*If you don't have a Mods folder, please ensure you have downloaded and installed SMAPI and launched the game at least once.

At first run, the mod includes a default configuration that disables all cheats. You can enable this mod automation while in-game by pressing the F5 button and toggle catch treasure by pressing the F6 button.

To further tweak the fishing mechanics, you need to edit the mod configuration file,The configuration file is located in the mod's folder under the Stardew Valley installation directory, and it's automatically created the first time the game is run with this mod installed. If you want to learn more about the config file, please visit the GitHub page. Alternatively, you can install the Generic Mod Config Menu for an in-game configuration.

  • This mod doesn't affect the achievements you can get through Steam, fish counts will still increment as normal when a fish is reeled.
  • The mod is designed to be compatible with the Multiplayer/Coop mode of the game. However, it may have problems playing the animation of characters on other players.
  • Bug fixes are prioritized based on availability and the severity of the problem.
  • Translations are welcome! I already prepared a translation file on GitHub for you. feel free to create a pull request or send me the translated file directly via DM. If you prefer to upload the translated file yourself, please make sure that the file you upload contains only the translated content.