Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
File credits
@thepaladinknight @Fokson @Jonqora @AlisonLi
Donation Points system
Please log in to find out whether this mod is receiving Donation Points
Now any notifications related to the item. An image of the item will be displayed instead of an exclamation mark.
Add 'JunkIgnoreList' option to exclude an item from auto-trash *Recommend editing it through a config file.
Items that are trashed via auto-trash are now simply moved to the trash can first. and is actually trashed when the player change's locations.
Players can open their trash can in inventory menu by right-clicking on the trash can with no item selected. To collect back trashed items from auto-trash.
Recovered items will be added to the 'JunkIgnoreList' option and will not be trashed again next time.
Version 2.5.0
Add 'UnlockCastPowerTime' option
Renamed 'CastPowerPercent' to 'DefaultCastPower'
Replaced 'UseSmartCast' with 'UnlockCastPowerTime'
Fix infinite bait and infinite tackles not working if auto attach bait/tackle is turn off
Fix treasure bar keeps filling indefinitely if manually playing mini-game and 'InstantCatchTreasure' is turn on
*For player who want to use manual cast power try set the 'UnlockCastPowerTime' to "0" in config file or GMCM menu
Version 2.4.4
Add use smart cast power option
Fix challenge bait doesn't work with legendary fish
Prevent auto trash from trashing weapon, fishing rod, and pan
Fix many options that previously didn't work if auto-play mini-game is turned off
Auto-attach bait and tackles was move from fishing rod page to automation page in GMCM
Cast power percent was move from fishing mini-game page to fishing rod page in GMCM
Version 2.4.1
Fix player facing direction reset after auto-eating
Version 2.4.0
Added Skip fishing mini-game option
Added Start with fishing rod option
Added Cast power slider option
Added tooltip for all config menu option
Instant catch fish is replaced by 'Skip fishing mini-game'
Max cast power is replaced by 'Cast power slider'
Low energy calculation should work properly now
Fix annoying scroll wheel when auto-cast is enabled
Fix mod option doesn't properly reset to default value when press a 'Default' button in GMCG menu
Player can change fishing location between each session by moving without disabling the mod
Added Optional button for quick open GMCM config menu option
If spawn bait if don't have is checked and preferred bait is set to 'Any' it will spawn 'Bait'
If spawn tackle if don't have is checked and preferred tackles is set to 'Any' it will spawn 'Spinner'
Version 2.3.1
Auto trash junk by price should working properly.
Fish is now excluded from auto trash by default
You can configure to allow trash fish that sale price is corresponding to junk price option.
Version 2.3.0
Infinite tackle should work properly now.
Auto trash junk item
You can configured the sale price that mod will also consider item as a junk
Version 2.2.1
fix mod manifest
Version 2.2.0
Reset config to default should work properly now.
Fish preview is back!
Add prefer fish amount option.
Add bait spawn amount option.
Add preferred adv. iridium tackle option.
Add energy percent to eat food option.
Add golden treasure chance option.
Version 2.1.0
The translation will work properly now
Lost book artifact will get loot properly now
Added auto attach bait and tackle back
You can set preferred bait and tackle in config now
Added option to spawn bait and tackle if player didn't have
Added auto pause fishing at night back
You can set preferred fish size and quality now
Version 2.0.1
Mod still adding enchantments even when automation is off
Default enchantment won't get remove when unequip fishing rod
"AlwaysPerfect" should work correctly now even in the festival
While looting treasure and inventory is full it will drop all remaning loot on the ground + (close treasure menu)
Version 2.0.0
Beta release for Stardew Valley 1.6
Treasure chance can now set to (default/always/never)
Player can continue fishing when stamina is low if fishing rod has efficient enchantment
While looting treasure and inventory is full it will drop all remaning loot on the ground
Max cast power button is removed still player can toggle cast power in config file or menu
Version 1.3.5
Various automatic actions can be set on and off separately.
Ability to auto eat food in player backpack while fishing.
Fishing rod enchantment cheat.
Deutsch translation
Fixed conflict between auto-add bait and infinite bait.
Prevent the player from casting a fishing rod while riding a horse.
Auto pause fishing when low stamina should work correctly now.
The slider bar will be faded if that option is disabled.
Version 1.3.1
Auto attach bait
Auto attach tackle
Chinese / Russian / Portuguese translation
fixed mod menu can open at game main menu
minor bug fixed
Version 1.3.0
In-game config menu
Mod translation support
Now can force enable mod after the mod is auto disabled itself by pressing F5 key by default
Auto disable mod at night now wait for the current task to finish
Version 1.2.0
Updated for Stardew valley 1.5
New feature added. also some previous of mod feature are removed.
Additional fish info while fishing
New cheat options
Version 1.1.4
Fix auto hook work in disable mode
Fix reeling sound when skip mini-game enable
Add option to force quality of fish from pond to iridium
Version 1.1.3
Fix bug that full auto not consume bait.
Fix catch double fish cheat that always triggers regardless of bait condition.
Fix auto hook bug that trigger even when assistant disable.
Version 1.1.2
Catch double fish will work properly now, it will pull 2 fish from water instead of 1 fish but show 2 fish catch.
All legendary fish now not affect by always double catch cheat.
Fish from pond now not affect from always high-quality cheat.
Cheat are now disabled on a festival day.
Change Stamina to Energy to match in game call.
Add option to skip fishing mini game
Add option to force treasure to appears every time you fishing.
If mode is change it will trigger a sound to play now
Fix auto hook now not trigger if assistant disable or use semi-auto mode.
Version 1.1.0
Fix error when catching treasure.
Change mode now not effect cast power now.
minor bug fix.
add an option to make fish instant bite.
add an option to instant catch treasure.
add an option to force fish quality to iridium.
add an option to always catch double fish.
add a condition for always catch double fish when using bait or not.
add an option for auto-stop Fishing Assistant when the current time matches in config.
Fix error when catching treasure.
Change mode now not effect cast power now.
Version 1.0.2
Add an option to set minimum stamina that Fishing Assistant will stop do auto fishing.
Fix warning message that continues spamming when player stamina is low.
Decompress the downloaded zip file to the Mods directory of your Stardew Valley installation.
*If you don't have a Mods folder, please ensure you have downloaded and installed SMAPI and launched the game at least once.
At first run, the mod includes a default configuration that disables all cheats. You can enable this mod automation while in-game by pressing the F5 button and toggle catch treasure by pressing the F6 button.
To further tweak the fishing mechanics, you need to edit the mod configuration file,The configuration file is located in the mod's folder under the Stardew Valley installation directory, and it's automatically created the first time the game is run with this mod installed. If you want to learn more about the config file, please visit the GitHub page. Alternatively, you can install the Generic Mod Config Menu for an in-game configuration.
This mod doesn't affect the achievements you can get through Steam, fish counts will still increment as normal when a fish is reeled.
The mod is designed to be compatible with the Multiplayer/Coop mode of the game. However, it may have problems playing the animation of characters on other players.
Bug fixes are prioritized based on availability and the severity of the problem.
Translations are welcome! I already prepared a translation file on GitHub for you. feel free to create a pull request or send me the translated file directly via DM. If you prefer to upload the translated file yourself, please make sure that the file you upload contains only the translated content.