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About this mod

A better looking plasma TV for your aesthetic needs

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I didn't like how clunky and outdated the plasma TV looked, nor that it was just chillin on the floor, so I made a sleeker flatscreen TV!  

Easy to use: just unzip into your mod folder after downloading Content Patcher. 

This is my first time doing pixel art for Stardew so let me know if there's anything I can improve! Unfortunately I don't know how to move the screen of the TV itself so I'm limited in how the TV stand can look, forgive me. I'm planning on updating this mod with new TV looks in the future, so keep an eye out. 

1.0.1 update: 
Four more TV stands for you to use! To change the TV stand, change in config to one of the following:
Glass black
Glass gold

- white, beige wood TV stand
- glass TV stand 

- knick knacks on TV stand
- Clear TV
- Hologram TV (spacey? futuristic?)
- Magic TV (like, witchy and stuff :D)
- Leafy TV

Other mods coming soon (hopefully) 
- more 3 tile width rugs that you can put in front of your brand spanking new TV (so you can get that sweet sweet symmetry) 
- alternative looks for the smaller TVs
- More Double Bed styles