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Version 1.2
Schedule and dialogue fixes
Nobody visits the hot cocoa shop on the day of the Ice Festival
Penny gets the 20th off while the kids go get hot cocoa
Pam and Penny now only visit the hot cocoa shop together after the bus stop has been fixed
Version 1.1
Fixed compatiblity with Alex's 14 Heart Event.
Fixed manifest for TMX pack
Added optional file for compatibility with Artisan Valley.
Gus' niece is in town for the winter and he's cleared out his storage room for her hot cocoa shop!
From the shop, you can buy hot cocoa and cocoa powder to make your own hot cocoa, while Gus sells specialty hot cocoa recipes.
Everyone in town is getting in on the fun. Each villager visits the shop at least once during the season! Most of them visit with their family members or friends, and each has something to say when they're there - adding 58 lines of dialogue.
Gift tastes and buffs from the different types of hot cocoa:
Plain Hot Cocoa - everyone likes it except for Krobus, who hates it. The same goes for all specialty hot cocoas, unless stated otherwise. There are no buffs.
Coconut Hot Cocoa - Haley, Linus, and Penny love it. +2 attack. Cookie Hot Cocoa - Vincent loves it, but Harvey and Leah dislike it. +2 fishing. Cranberry Hot Cocoa - Evelyn loves it! +30 magnet radius. Hazelnut Hot Cocoa - Leah and Kent love it. +2 mining. Hot Pepper Hot Cocoa - Lewis, Shane, Maru, and Abigail all love it. Evelyn hates it. +2 defense. Maple Hot Cocoa - Sam loves it, but Maru dislikes it. +2 foraging. Mocha Hot Cocoa - Harvey loves it, but Jas and Vincent dislike it. +1 speed. Orange Hot Cocoa - Gus loves it. +30 max stamina Pomegranate Hot Cocoa - Elliott loves it. +2 luck.
This mod makes use of three content packs. Make sure TMXLoader, JsonAssets, Content Patcher, PyTK, Spacecore, and SMAPI are all downloaded. Extract the content pack folders into your mods folder.
If you’re using Artisan Valley or any other mods that make an object called “Hot Cocoa” install the optional download instead of the main file.