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About this mod

Allows you to change the input and output amounts for the machines in Stardew Valley

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Allows the player to change the output on machines in the game. 

Make sure you run the game atleast one time, so it generates the config.json file.

F5 - Reloads the config file while the game is running.

Inside the config file, you will see a lot of setting that you are able to change. We will use the Seed Maker as an example

"SeedMaker": {
"CustomSeedMakerEnabled": true,
"MoreSeedsForQuality": false,
"SeedMakerInputMultiplier": 100,
"SeedMakerMinOutput": 2,
"SeedMakerMaxOutPut": 5

CustomSeedMakerEnabled - Whether the mod should run the custom outputs for the machine.

MoreSeedsForQuality - Whether or not, you should get more seeds based on the quality of the crop put into the Seed Maker.

MoreSeedsInputMultiplier - Sets the amount of items that will go into the Seed Maker at one time. Example : If you set it to 100, it will put 100 parsnips into the SeedMaker. The output will be a random number between your "SeedMakerMinOutput" and "SeedMakerMaxOutput" multiplied by the "SeedMakerInputMultiplier".

Let's say you set the MinOuput to 10 and the MaxOutput to 20, and the InputMultiplier was 10. The random number was 25, the Output will be 25 * 10 = 250. You would get 250 seeds back depending on if "MoreSeedsForQuality" was enabled or not.

SeedMakerMinOutPut - The Minimum output.

SeedMakerMaxOutPut - The Maximum output.

The way the mod works, is It will pick a random number between your min and max outputs.

Incompatible Mods:
Custom Crystalarium Mod - Hijacks the same methods as ConfigureMachineOutputs.
Automate - You can use Automate with CustomMachineOutputs, but automated machines will use the vanilla amounts instead of those you configured.