Replaces the Parrot Trinket Companion for a Bat! Includes 6 colors: black, purple, red, blue, white, and green. The bat is the same as the vanilla one. I did this one because the parrot, although very cute, didn't match my style :v
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1. Download Content Patcher and SMAPI. 2. Drop this mod inside your Stardew Valley/Mods folder. 3. Done! You can now have a bat companion in your game c:
→ If you want a bat that isn't the default (black) one, run the game to generate a config.json file, then close the game. Open the config.jason file and change "Black" to color you want. → You can easily alternate between textures while in game using the Config Mod.
→ Six bat colors. → Red eyes option. → Changes description & name of the trinket.
Future features: → I'll look into adding the option to replace the fairy and/or the butterfly with bats as well, when I have the time.
If you want any new color, have any feedback or tips to give me, please feel free to contact me through the comments or DMs!