About this mod
Auto-Grabbers inside of barns that have a pig will pick up the truffles that that pig produces!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
This mod enables Auto-Grabbers inside of barns to harvest the truffles that the pigs of that barn produce. Configurations are included to specify if the Gatherer and Botanist professions should be applied, if experience should be gained, whose Gatherer and Botanist profession to use, and who gains experience.
- This mod now works with modded animals and items as well! So long as the animal produces an item by DigUp (mod authors will know what this means), and the animal has an Auto-Grabber in its home location, then the Auto-Grabber will collect it for you!
- Please note: Only the vanilla Stardew Valley truffle and a select few modded items are currently affected by the Botanist and Gatherer professions. The currently compatible mods are listed below in the Notes section.
- Please note: Only the vanilla Stardew Valley truffle and a select few modded items are currently affected by the Botanist and Gatherer professions. The currently compatible mods are listed below in the Notes section.
- Auto-Grabbers now work anywhere! All that matters is that an Auto-Grabber is placed in the animals home (i.e. inside a barn or coop).
- Install the latest version of SMAPI
- Unzip this mod's folder into Stardew Valley/Mods
- Optional Step (only needed for setting configs through in-game settings menu):
Unzip Generic Mod Config Menu mod folder into Stardew Valley/Mods
- Harvesting instantly takes place at the moment that a truffle is produced by a farm animal, so long as an Auto-Grabber has enough space. Truffles that are not harvested due to insufficient space will still not be harvested even if space is created later.
- This mod has only been tested on PC. Use at your own risk on other platforms.
- If you already have an Auto-Grabber placed down before installing this mod, then you may need to pick it up and replace it in order for the mod to start working.
Mods With Items Affected By The Botanist And Gatherer Professions:
- Blue Void and Golden Pigs
- Ilucie's Mini Pigs
- Incompatible with Riazaia's Boar for CP due to White Truffle item IDs not being unique.
- Incompatible with Riazaia's Boar for CP due to White Truffle item IDs not being unique.
- Riazaia's Boar for CP
- Incompatible with Ilucie's Mini Pigs due to White Truffle item IDs not being unique.
- Configs
- Apply Gatherer Profession is set to true
- Gatherer Profession to Use is set to Owner
- Apply Botanist Profession is set to true
- Botanist Profession to Use is set to Anyone
- Gain Experience is set to true
- Who Gains Experience is set to Owner
- Player 1
- has Gatherer profession
- has Botanist profession
- Player 2
- has Forester profession
- has Forester profession
- Barn 1
- has Auto-Grabber
- home to Waddles
- owner is Player 1
- owner is Player 1
- home to Porky
- owner is Player 2
- owner is Player 2
- Barn 2
- has Auto-Grabber
- home to Bacon
- owner is Player 2
- owner is Player 2
Source CodeAutoGrab Truffles - GitHub