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weissnichts vom Leben

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About this mod

Reduces the price of materials at Robin's and Clint's shops.
Makes more materials available for purchase.
Price and availability is customisable.

Permissions and credits
Tired of spending a fortune on iron at Clint's? Need some wood to build a nice farm? Then this mod is for you!


Reduces the price of stone, wood, coal and the ores.
Hardwood, Clay, Fiber, and Iridium can now be bought.
Iridium is by default only available after you have visited the desert for the first time. ("IridiumAvailable" set to "desert". "always" and "never" are also possible")
Price and availability can be changed in the config.
If you want to change these settings in-game, use the Generic Mod Config Menu


Requires SMAPI and Content Patcher.
Requires game version 1.6


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Thanks to the Stardew Valley Discord channel for teaching me how to mod and answering my amateurish questions.
Special thanks to Pathoschild, Lumina and sophie