About this mod
27 different cow variations, with both adult and baby cow versions. Variations include 2 base game inspired cows, 9 breed-based cows, 9 solid colored cows, and 7 solid colored highland cows. Available with both Alternative Textures and Content Patcher. Requires SMAPI.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Donations
1. Download and unzip/extract. Move to Stardew Valley mods folder.
2. Download SMAPI, and Content Patcher and/or Alternative Textures depending on the mod version you download.
→ the AT version requires SMAPI and Alternative Textures
→ the CP version requires SMAPI and Content Patcher
The AT and CP versions are compatible, so both can be downloaded at once.
RE-DOWNLOAD IF YOU HAVE THE 1.0.0 VERSION! I added an update key to the 1.0.1 version that would notify you about further updates!
→ the CP version will automatically replace all cow textures, for both old and new cows
→ only one texture for each cow type (white/brown cow), which look like the vanilla Stardew Valley white/brown cows
→ you can change the cow textures I chose to another one by following the instructions in the 'customization tips.txt' file I left if you want!
→ the AT version will automatically and randomly choose a cow texture for any new cows, and Marnie's cows
→ for cows you already bought, or for cows you don't like the randomly chosen texture, you have to buy a pair of scissors from Robin, and use it on cows to manually change their texture
→ all cows available at once