Adds ethnic, cultural, body type, ability, and gender diversity to Pelican Town, with complete seasonal outfits for all villagers! Seasonal outfits can be used for both vanilla designs & alternate designs.
Other user's assetsSome assets in this file belong to other authors. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets
Upload permissionYou are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
Modification permissionYou must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it
Conversion permissionYou are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
Asset use permissionYou must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file
Asset use permission in mods/files that are being soldYou are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation pointsYou are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
Author notes
See the Asset Use Permissions page of the Diverse Stardew Valley website for further information: Diverse Stardew Valley is NOT open-source and assets can not be used without permission.
File credits
See the Diverse Stardew Valley credits spreadsheet for a thorough breakdown of asset credits:
93% of DSV's Donation Points are split equally between Doctors Without Borders, Against Malaria, and Wildlife Conservation Society, with 7% being split between myself and KediDili.
Donation Points system
Please log in to find out whether this mod is receiving Donation Points
Fixed a bug with Sebastian's visual preview in DSV Core
Fixed a couple of dialogue code bugs (no changes for translators)
Version 5.2.0
Added GMCM and Cross-Mod Compatibility Tokens as requirements
Added new visual previews of most options in DSV Core's GMCM menu
Updated all of Sam's outfit art and added new special outfits, including skate gear, random binder colours, new JojaMart work outfits, and headphones overlay
Updated art for PPAF commitment ceremony/casual wedding outfits
Added minor dialogue for Sam and Shane's work animations and for Sam's kickflip animation
Added brown eyes option for Penny (moved from Brunette Penny add-on options)
Added full compatibility with Harvey Attends Aerobics
Added full compatibility with Custom Wedding Ceremony
Updated compatibility with Haley's Pregnancy
Added compatibility with Jas and Vincent Trick or Treat Event
Added compatibility with Male Charles Revised
Added compatibility with Piper - A Pierre Rewrite
Added mostly full compatibility with Immersive Sam, including exclusive outfit art. To use DSV and Immersive Sam together, set "DanceSprites" and "FlowerSuit" to "no" in Immersive Sam's config options.
Added new wedding suit option for Sam if Immersive Sam is installed. To use, set "SamWeddingSuit" to "yes" in Immersive Sam's config options.
Added partial compatibility with Immersive Sebastian. Sebastian will wear his vanilla purple hoodie in all Immersive Sebastian events with custom animations, but will use the appropriate DSV variant.
Fixed bug with Marnie Deserves Better compatibility
Removed Spouse Portraits Reworked, LUTI, Jaemin, and LFL options, as these will now automatically match the appropriate config from the original mod thanks to CMCT
Added new config options for Male Charles Revised, Piper - A Pierre Rewrite, and Haley's Pregnancy
Changed Abigail Goth Makeup option from "off" to "no makeup" for internal code changes
Changed Alternate Cecily options from "true/false" to "modded", "vanilla", and "off" for internal code changes
If using one of the DSV character add-ons, please wait on updating DSV until the add-ons' code is also updated
Version 5.1.3
Added trashcan reaction dialogue for Marigold
Added chuppah wedding arch replacement for Jewish Alex & Elliott
Added compatibility with Shane Events Expansion
Edited Native Leah's gift tastes so that juice is a loved gift to replace wine
Edited Jewish Elliott's gift tastes so that albacore, dish o' the sea, and eggplant parmesan are loved gifts to replace lobster, crab cakes, and tom kha soup
Fixed bug with Handsome Mature Wizard add-on pack not making the Additional Packs options page show up in DSV Core
Fixed Make Marlon Real compatibility
Improved i18n code for several Alex lines
Removed Canon-Friendly Dialogue Expansion compatibility (now included by default in CFDE 3.0.0!)
For translators, default.json changes are marked with //&&New and //&&Edit. CFDE dialogue lines have not been removed, but are no longer required. If moving the CFDE translations over to the CFDE i18n in its 3.0.0 beta, please note that some lines were edited.
Version 5.1.2
Fixed minor Sam error
Version 5.1.1
Edited Native Leah's gift tastes so that wine is a neutral gift
Edited Native Leah's dialogue to reduce mentions of drinking
Fixed the pyjama MarriageOnly config setting not working
Fixed spouse portraits not applying
Minor bugfixes
Version 5.1.0
- Added code to detect and account for DSV additional character packs
- Added Desert Festival and green rain schedules for Marigold
- Added new Desert Festival dialogue for Marigold
- Added automatic compatibility with Cloudy Skies and all Cloudy Skies content packs
- Added compatibility checks for Looking for Love Redux
- Added automatic compatibility with College Boy Mike
- Added compatibility with Hitme's Spouse Portraits Reworked
- Added compatibility with On Wednesdays We Wear Pink
- Added compatibility with Harvey Gets a Pour-Over Sweater
- Added context tags for non-vegetarian, non-halal, and non-kosher foods/items to the appropriate characters' gift tastes for future compatibility
- Added check to disable Linus's dialogue edits if SVE is installed but Linus's modded variant has been enabled despite being incompatible with SVE
- Removed Dwarvish Safety Manual and accompanying dialogue from Kent's liked gifts and added Art o' Crabbing as a replacement
- Added compatibility edit for an event in Haley's Pregnancy if using Black or Romani Haley
- Edited Harvey's SV Fair dialogue if Sikh Harvey or Turkish Gus is enabled
- Changed Marigold's year 2 festival positions to use the updated code format
- Properly removed wine from Sikh Harvey's loved gifts and lobster from Jewish Elliott's
- Updated DSV's default RSV compat to include the winter outfits
- Fixed DSV's Trinnie compat not patching her sprites in Faye's 8 heart event
- Fixed Willy getting stuck on the pier in summer
- Fixed Ginger Island beach outfits using default art instead of DSVStyle
- Fixed Flower Queen outfits not working
- Fixed broken compatibility with Overgrown Flowery Interface, East Scarp, Ranch Expansion, and Swords & Sorcery
- Fixed errors with DSV's LUTI compatibility
- Fixed Marigold errors in Sam's and Linus's 8 heart events
- Fixed Alex's ice cream uniform not applying
- Fixed several minor art bugs
- Fixed several i18n bugs
- Turkish Mike: If College Boy Mike is installed, this option will be added to the Compatibility menu
- Emily Spouse Portrait: If Spouse Portraits Reworked is installed, this option will be added to the Compatibility Menu
- Wizard Spouse Portrait: If Spouse Portraits Reworked and Romanceable Rasmodius - Updated are installed, this option will be added to the Compatibility Menu
- Additional Packs: If using one of the additional character packs that has further options, these will be added to a new menu, Additional Packs
Version 5.0.3
Added year 2 festival placements for Marigold so she matches up with Linus's.
Added new year 2 festival dialogue for Marigold.
Added secret compatibility feature if using Sunberry Village and RSV
Edited y2 Flower Dance dialogue for Iranian Jodi
Edited Mullner to match George's Mexican or Samoan variant in secret note 12
Added compatibility with Make Marlon Real Continued
Fixed (hopefully) bug with characters not changing out of their pyjamas
Fixed bug with Vincent's dialogue
Fixed bug with Alex's dialogue
Fixed bug with Krobus's snow outfits not showing up
Fixed bug with Abigail's makeup & no blush overlays
Fixed altar changes not accounting for Kent's Omani variants
Fixed bugs with 1.6 beach portrait changes & beach overlays
Fixed bug with Marnie's winter dance sprite
Fixed a bug with Shane's 4 heart event sprites
Fixed a broken warp in Marigold's Jorts and Jean event edit
Fixed misc sprite errors, particularly festival sprites
Changed tooltip text for Gift Taste Change config option to clarify changes for Omani/OmaniDisabled Kent
For translators: text changes are marked as usual but with 5.0.3 after the marker as markers from 5.0 won't be removed until all translations are updated.
Version 5.0.2
Hotfix for the vanilla winter outfits overriding DSV
Version 5.0.1
Hotfix for Sam if using Light or Ultralight configs
Version 5.0.0
- Removed individual beachwear configs and replaced them with a single Vanilla Beach Style config, which can be set to DSV Style, Vanilla Style, or Random Beachwear
- Added new Kent variants, Omani and Omani Disabled, and changed the previous Modded variant to Vanilla Disabled
- Added new Maru Black Hair config, which changes Maru's ModdedLavender variant to have black hair instead of a pink ombre dye
- Removed Seb Helmet config. Sebastian will now automatically wear a helmet and motorbike gear during his 10 heart event, matching DSV's other event-specific outfits.
- Changed Willy's Disabled config to Vanilla Disabled, for consistency with Kent's new variants
- Removed Antisocial NPCs and Custom NPC Exclusions as dependencies for Marigold / Linus's Modded variant. Sprites in Detail is still required for Marigold's sprites.
- Significant code overhaul which updates DSV to use 1.6's new Appearances system for more flexibility and better performance
- Updated portraits & sprites to match 1.6 changes
- Added 1.6's vanilla winter outfits as new Festival of Ice outfits with some recolouring and minor edits to match DSV's style guide.
- Updated Penny's outfits and added new Spirits' Eve costumes
- Updated Linus's outfits
- Added new additional Spirits' Eve costumes for Robin and Demetrius
- Added code so that DSV's darker-skinned variants are now correctly recognised as such for the purpose of determining the farmer's children's skintone.
- Added assorted new dialogue lines
- Edited new 1.6 dialogue to match DSV's variants as necessary
- Expanded regular dialogue and gift taste dialogue to account for Jodi and/or Kent being Muslim depending on the player's choice of variants
- Fixed map patches to account for 1.6's updated map interiors
- Updated DSV's PPAF compatibility to match the new PPAF Core (not yet available, coming soon)
- Updated DSV's RSV compatibility to match the updated Seasonal Outfits for Ridgeside Village
- Assorted bug fixes
- New and edited dialogue lines are marked with //&&New and //&&Edit respectively
Edited 1.6 dialogue is marked with //&&Spoiler in case you would prefer translate these in the future so as not to spoil the new content for yourself
Version 4.0.10
Fixed DSV Core's manifest number not being updated
Fixed a number of minor bugs
Version 4.0.9
Added compatibility with Prettier Interiors
Added compatibility with Haley's Pregnancy
Fixed compatibility with Clint Reforged
Fixed compatibility with Lavril
Added new dialogue for Clint's modded variant
Redid the art for Abigail's knight costume & Caroline's flapper costume for Spirits' Eve
Fixed misc dialogue for Caroline about modded Abigail's natural hair colour & for Pam about Turkish Gus providing drinks
Fixed Pierre's broken dialogue for nonbinary Abigail, hopefully for good this time
Fixed incompatbilities with recolor mods.
Version 4.0.8
Added new map patches for Sam and nonbinary Emily courtesy of Kailey
Added compat for a line of dialogue in More Haley Heart Events where Haley refers to herself as blonde
Fixed Jewish Alex's broken Star of David necklace
Fixed Pierre's broken dialogue for nonbinary Abigail
Fixed some other miscellanous issues, I don't remember all of them
For translators, new and edited text lines in the i18n have been marked with //&&New! and //&&Edit!
Version 4.0.7
Tweaked Linus's bone gifts and added reject dialogue for non-acceptable bones so people don't get confused why he won't accept all of them
Bug fix for Sleep-In Wedding compat
Fixed the More Haley Events compat not working
Version 4.0.6
Fixed a number of bugs
Added compatibility with Seasonal Outfits for Ridgeside Village
Added compatibility with More Haley Events
Added recolour compatibility for Rustic Country Town Interiors, Earthy Interiors, Elegant Town Interiors, Toned Down Town Interiors, Vibrant Pastoral Recolor, and Starblue Valley
Added partial compatibility with Elaho's Cultural Flower Dance
Removed compatibility with Sebastian Wedding Outfits, Maru Dutch-Xhosa Wedding Dress, Haley Russian Wedding Dress, and Emily Ukrainian Wedding Dress
Added an additional "blank" option to disable DSV's wedding outfit edits for compatibility with other mods
Added new config options to add George, Evelyn, and Willy to the Spirits' Eve festival
Added bones, cheese, and eggs to Linus's loved gifts if Marigold is enabled
Added code so that characters with gift taste edits will reject items that are against their dietary requirements and not take it from the player's inventory
Version 4.0.5
Updated Sam's Flower Dance outfit
Added compatibility with Lumisteria Missing Hat Bundles and Solarium Spa
Fixed DSV's map patches breaking a couple of Wildflour's Atelier special orders
Numerous miscellaneous bug fixes
Version 4.0.4
Update not found
Version 4.0.3
Added 6 new dialogue lines for modded Sandy thanks to Quill!
Added 4 new mermaid tail possibilities
Fixed a number of bugs
Version 4.0.2
Removed extraneous files that were accidentally included (4.0.1)
Hopefully fixed errors for Mac and Linux users. If they still occur, try renaming your mods folder to Mods
Fixed a typo preventing the dialogue edits from working
Fixed Penny's freckles option always displaying
Fixed unnecessary hard dependency on GMCM
Fixed issues with PPAF compatibility
Fixed errors with Elaho's wedding outfits not being selectable in the WeddingOutfits config options
Fixed a display error for some of Samoan Alex & Evelyn's text
Version 4.0.1
Possible fix for Mac "directory part not found" error in DSV Core.
Manifest versions fixed.
No more .git folders
Version 4.0.0
Added DSV Core, overhauled code, and reworked config settings for better perfomance and accessibility
Added over 250+ lines of variant-based dialogue
Added new additional variants: Nonbinary Abigail, Sebastian, and Emily; Aro-Ace Gus; Jewish Mullners and Elliott; and Hard-of-Hearing Haley
Added new small cultural map edits for modded variants
Re-added Marigold, Linus's service dog. Now requires Sprites in Detail, Custom NPC Exclusions, and Anti-Social NPCs
Reworked character art for modded Pam, Black Haley and Emily, and modded Sikh and non-Sikh Harvey
Updated many outfits
Added compatibility with many mods
Welcome to Diverse Stardew Valley!
Diverse Stardew Valley edits the villagers of Pelican Town to add ethnic, cultural, gender identity and body type diversity and add unique seasonal and festival outfits for both the vanilla and the alternate diverse character designs.
DSV began as a combination of the original Diverse Stardew Valley project by notsnufffie with the seasonal clothing of Seasonal Villager Outfits by Tanpoponoko, and has since expanded into its own project, bolstered by a large community of artists and sensitivity checkers: a full spreadsheet of artist credits is located here. The Content Patcher coding has been done by Airyn, based on work by tenthousandcats, minervamaga, cel10e, corrin, and Isi, and the C# coding has been done by KediDili.
In-character and weather-appropriate outfits for every season, indoors and out
Special outfits for festivals and weddings
Special location-specific outfits for particular characters
Dynamic story-based wardrobe changes for some characters
Married characters wear mermaid pendants
Maternity outfits for the bachelorettes when pregnant
Marriage candidates wear pyjamas in the morning & evening at home and at the farmhouse
Fancy clothing when attending weddings
Variant-specific furniture & accessory edits for interior maps
Dialogue related to character variants
Compatibility with a wide variety of mods
This mod requires the SMAPI modding framework; if you have not installed SMAPI before, see the Stardew Valley Wiki's guide for instructions.
This mod also requires the following mods:
Content Patcher: a mod framework that allows sprites and portraits to be changed in-game without actually replacing game files.
Cross-Mod Compatibility Tokens (CMCT): a framework that allows Content Patcher mods to automatically match the configuration values of another Content Patcher mod.
Generic Mod Config Menu (GMCM): a mod that enables an in-game configuration menu for easily changing a mod's options.
Be sure to download and install all of these before using this mod.
Once these dependency mods are installed, download the file for this mod, extract it, and move the "Diverse Stardew Valley" folder to the Mods folder in your game files to install it. There will be a number of folders inside this folder: make sure you don't remove or delete any of them!
If you are using Linus's modded variant which adds a service dog, Marigold, you will also need to install Sprites in Detail. Please make sure you have installed this before you enable Marigold!
To uninstall the mod, simply delete it or move it out of the Mods folder in your game files.
If you are updating DSV, delete all previous files from your Mods folder before moving the new files.
Note: We do not recommend using Vortex to install Diverse Stardew Valley or other SDV mods. Vortex is known to break SDV mods by removing files without warning and sometimes failing to correctly remove old files when updating or removing mods, both of which will cause issues. Thanks to SMAPI and Content Patcher, SDV mods are easy to install or uninstall manually.
By default, DSV will load the vanilla versions of all characters. However, if you would like to use any modded variants of characters or any of DSV's additional options, you will need to configure the mod.
To select particular character options, you will need to use the Generic Mod Config Menu (GMCM) mod. GMCM adds a small cog-shaped button to the lower-left corner of the Stardew Valley title screen, which allows you to edit config options in-game via an easy-to-use interface with either check boxes or scrollable drop-down menus. Once GMCM is downloaded and installed, DSV will automatically detect it and become available for configuration from the title screen via the DSV Core heading.
DSV Core provides a visual preview of character variant options and compatibility options. The Diverse Stardew Valley website also has a visual guide to the various options available along with a detailed explanation of what each option affects.
Note: Once you have finished configuring, you MUST save your changes, quit to desktop, and reopen the game before loading your save. DSV may not apply changes properly until you have restarted.
All of the character variant options ("[CharacterName]Variant", etc) have at least three options: vanilla, off, and either modded or the name of the modded option (for characters with multiple modded variants).
"Vanilla": This will show the default game version of the NPC with different outfits for each season.
"Modded" or the variant name: This will show the Diverse Stardew Valley alternate character design for the NPC with different outfits for each season.
"Off": This will turn off this mod's function entirely for the NPC. They will show their vanilla style and default outfit all year-round. This option allows you to use other NPC mods (for example, if you prefer another mod for one character) without conflicts.
Note: If you would like to use one of the DSV-compatible character add-on packs, choose “off” for that character.
Each character will have an option labelled "[CharacterName]LightweightConfig", which configures how much content and thus impact on the performance of your game that character will have. All options will include seasonal and festival outfits, but differences between the three options are:
Full: The character will have all available content enabled, including multiple outfits per season (if possible), indoor and outdoor outfit variations, pyjamas, mermaid pendants, and location- or time-based outfit variations (where applicable).
Light: The character will have multiple outfits per season (if available) and a smaller selection of additional options. Time-based content and indoor/outdoor outfit variations will be disabled and other additional features will be minimised.
Ultralight: The character will have one outfit per season with no indoor and outdoor variations and additional features will be reduced to only those specific to DSV alternate character designs. This is the equivalent of using Seasonal Outfits - Slightly Cuter Aesthetic.
If your computer isn't very strong or if you notice performance issues when using DSV alongside other large mods, try changing some or all characters to a different LightweightConfig setting.
Diverse Stardew Valley has added visual and dialogue compatibility with an extensive number of mods: for a full list, see the Compatibility page of the DSV website.
If you are a mod author who would like to add compatibility with Diverse Stardew Valley, DSV's configuration options can be accessed via its custom SMAPI tokens. For more details, see the Adding Compatibility page of the DSV website or ask for help in the DSV Discord server.
Note: Diverse Stardew Valley is partially incompatible with Stardew Valley Expanded and some characters will automatically be turned off if SVE is installed. SVE compatibility will not be added. For more details, see the SVE section on the Compatibility page.
If you are a translator and would like to translate DSV, please see the Translations section of the website.
DSV has a Discord server! Feel free to join & say hi, get help with DSV, see previews of upcoming content, or ask questions about the mod.