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Airyn and the DSV Team

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About this mod

Adds ethnic, cultural, body type, ability, and gender diversity to Pelican Town, with complete seasonal outfits for all villagers! Seasonal outfits can be used for both vanilla designs & alternate designs.

Permissions and credits
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Welcome to Diverse Stardew Valley!
Diverse Stardew Valley edits the villagers of Pelican Town to add ethnic, cultural, gender identity and body type diversity and add unique
seasonal and festival outfits for both the vanilla and the alternate diverse character designs.

DSV began as a combination of the original Diverse Stardew Valley project by notsnufffie with the seasonal clothing of Seasonal Villager Outfits by Tanpoponoko, and has since expanded into its own project, bolstered by a large community of artists and sensitivity checkers: a full spreadsheet of artist credits is located here. The Content Patcher coding has been done by Airyn, based on work by tenthousandcats, minervamaga, cel10e, corrin, and Isi, and the C# coding has been done by KediDili.

A complete visual readme and configuration guide can be found on the Diverse Stardew Valley website.

For the non-seasonal version, see Diverse Stardew Valley - Non-Seasonal.

  • Modded and vanilla character variants
  • In-character and weather-appropriate outfits for every season, indoors and out
  • Special outfits for festivals and weddings
  • Special location-specific outfits for particular characters
  • Dynamic story-based wardrobe changes for some characters
  • Married characters wear mermaid pendants
  • Maternity outfits for the bachelorettes when pregnant
  • Marriage candidates wear pyjamas in the morning & evening at home and at the farmhouse
  • Fancy clothing when attending weddings
  • Variant-specific furniture & accessory edits for interior maps
  • Dialogue related to character variants
  • Compatibility with a wide variety of mods

This mod requires the SMAPI modding framework; if you have not installed SMAPI before, see the Stardew Valley Wiki's guide for instructions.

This mod also requires the following mods:
  • Content Patcher: a mod framework that allows sprites and portraits to be changed in-game without actually replacing game files.
  • Cross-Mod Compatibility Tokens (CMCT): a framework that allows Content Patcher mods to automatically match the configuration values of another Content Patcher mod.
  • Generic Mod Config Menu (GMCM): a mod that enables an in-game configuration menu for easily changing a mod's options.
Be sure to download and install all of these before using this mod.

Once these dependency mods are installed, download the file for this mod, extract it, and move the "Diverse Stardew Valley" folder to the Mods folder in your game files to install it. There will be a number of folders inside this folder: make sure you don't remove or delete any of them!

If you are using Linus's modded variant which adds a service dog, Marigold, you will also need to install Sprites in Detail. Please make sure you have installed this before you enable Marigold!

To uninstall the mod, simply delete it or move it out of the Mods folder in your game files.

If you are updating DSV, delete all previous files from your Mods folder before moving the new files.

Note: We do not recommend using Vortex to install Diverse Stardew Valley or other SDV mods. Vortex is known to break SDV mods by removing files without warning and sometimes failing to correctly remove old files when updating or removing mods, both of which will cause issues. Thanks to SMAPI and Content Patcher, SDV mods are easy to install or uninstall manually.

By default, DSV will load the vanilla versions of all characters. However, if you would like to use any modded variants of characters or
any of DSV's additional options, you will need to configure the mod.

To select particular character options, you will need to use the Generic Mod Config Menu (GMCM) mod. GMCM adds a small cog-shaped button to the lower-left corner of the Stardew Valley title screen, which allows you to edit config options in-game via an easy-to-use interface with either check boxes or scrollable drop-down menus. Once GMCM is downloaded and installed, DSV will automatically detect it and become available for configuration from the title screen via the DSV Core heading.

DSV Core provides a visual preview of character variant options and compatibility options. The Diverse Stardew Valley website also has a visual guide to the various options available along with a detailed explanation of what each option affects.

Note: Once you have finished configuring, you MUST save your changes, quit to desktop, and reopen the game before loading your save. DSV may not apply changes properly until you have restarted.

All of the character variant options ("[CharacterName]Variant", etc) have at least three options: vanilla, off, and either modded or the name of the modded option (for characters with multiple modded variants).

  • "Vanilla": This will show the default game version of the NPC with different outfits for each season.
  • "Modded" or the variant name: This will show the Diverse Stardew Valley alternate character design for the NPC with different outfits for each season.
  • "Off": This will turn off this mod's function entirely for the NPC. They will show their vanilla style and default outfit all year-round. This option allows you to use other NPC mods (for example, if you prefer another mod for one character) without conflicts.

Note: If you would like to use one of the DSV-compatible character add-on packs, choose “off” for that character.

Each character will have an option labelled "[CharacterName]LightweightConfig", which configures how much content and thus impact on the performance of your game that character will have. All options will include seasonal and festival outfits, but differences between the three options are:

  • Full: The character will have all available content enabled, including multiple outfits per season (if possible), indoor and outdoor outfit variations, pyjamas, mermaid pendants, and location- or time-based outfit variations (where applicable).
  • Light: The character will have multiple outfits per season (if available) and a smaller selection of additional options. Time-based content and indoor/outdoor outfit variations will be disabled and other additional features will be minimised.
  • Ultralight: The character will have one outfit per season with no indoor and outdoor variations and additional features will be reduced to only those specific to DSV alternate character designs. This is the equivalent of using Seasonal Outfits - Slightly Cuter Aesthetic.

If your computer isn't very strong or if you notice performance issues when using DSV alongside other large mods, try changing some or all characters to a different LightweightConfig setting.

Diverse Stardew Valley has added visual and dialogue compatibility with an extensive number of mods: for a full list, see the Compatibility page of the DSV website.

DSV's Flower Queen's Crown feature can be accessed by custom NPCs: see the DSV FQC - Always Raining in the Valley add-on mod as an example!

If you are a mod author who would like to add compatibility with Diverse Stardew Valley, DSV's configuration options can be accessed via its custom SMAPI tokens. For more details, see the Adding Compatibility page of the DSV website or ask for help in the DSV Discord server.

Note: Diverse Stardew Valley is partially incompatible with Stardew Valley Expanded and some characters will automatically be turned off if SVE is installed. SVE compatibility will not be added. For more details, see the SVE section on the Compatibility page.

If you are a translator and would like to translate DSV, please see the Translations section of the website.

DSV has a Discord server! Feel free to join & say hi, get help with DSV, see previews of upcoming content, or ask questions about the mod.