1. woollysheep
    • premium
    • 105 kudos
    To whomever who may be reading this: 

    If you're using this mod and love your house/interior or playing in Japanese/Chinese (screenshots of the translated catalogue would be nice ><!); would be wonderful if you could share screenies here or submit image under images tab :D <3 <3 <3 xx

    How to post a screencap:

    nexusmods upload an image > my images> view image > copy image address > insert image > ctrl + v link
    right-click > paste

    Windows logo key + Shift + S > draw the snip box > ctrl + v in discord > right click + copy link > insert image > ctrl + v link
    right-click > paste

    Windows logo key + Shift + S > draw the snip box > Save image > upload imgur / imgbb / filebin / some other one > copy image link > insert image > ctrl + v link
    right-click > paste

  2. woollysheep
    • premium
    • 105 kudos
    If SMAPI shows an error, please go to SMAPI Log Parser, follow instructions, and post the link using 

    Optional: post image of the issue you're having

    How to post a screencap:

    nexusmods upload an image > my images> view image > copy image address > insert image > ctrl + v link
    right-click > paste

    Windows logo key + Shift + S > draw the snip box > ctrl + v in discord > right click + copy link > insert image > ctrl + v link
    right-click > paste

    Windows logo key + Shift + S > draw the snip box > Save image > upload imgur / imgbb / filebin / some other one > copy image link > insert image > ctrl + v link
    right-click > paste

  3. Sk8erb1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'd like to know what the wall in the second picture is. Is it from this mod?
    1. woollysheep
      • premium
      • 105 kudos
    2. Sk8erb1
      • member
      • 0 kudos
  4. AhBear
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi I love the mod so much , it is very pretty , but i wonder where can i get the furniture exp: bathtub....
    izit because DGA no longer work ? sorry my english abit bad , not good 
    1. woollysheep
      • premium
      • 105 kudos
      Yeah, DGA (dynamic games asset) mods are no longer compatible (SDV 1.6 onwards). So all the mods depending on DGA will have to be converted…..
  5. ASTERR0321
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hi, I really like your mod, but I couldn't find it anywhere in game... 
    Here's how it shows in SMAPI:

    [SMAPI] Loaded 131 content packs:
    [SMAPI]    (AT) Modern Bathroom Furniture Catalogue 1.0.6 by Fluff / Woollysheep | for Alternative Textures | Add Bathroom Furniture Catalogue
    [SMAPI]    (AT) Modern Bathroom Walls Floors 1.0.6 by Fluff / Woollysheep | for Alternative Textures | Alternative Textures content pack for walls and floors

    It is weird that I can always see the walls and floors, but no furniture in the AT paint bucket or texture catalogue, and I also can't find the furniture catalogue (not in the shop, even not in CJB). I'm using SDV1.6, SMAPI 4.0.8, and I downloaded AT and DGA as well.
    Is there something I'm missing? I was confused for several days and still no idea what is happening...

    There's also an error message in SMAPI: 
    [SMAPI]       - Dynamic Game Assets 1.4.4 because it's no longer compatible. Please check for a new version at https://smapi.io/mods

    Is it because I cannot use DGA in SDV1.6?
    1. woollysheep
      • premium
      • 105 kudos
      Yeah, DGA (dynamic games asset) mods are no longer compatible (SDV 1.6 onwards). So all the mods depending on DGA will have to be converted…..

      Am currently in the midst of converting, “curved tanks” — for my mods that have not been converted, it’ll have a “(WIP TO BE CONVERTED)” in the summary text; “(WIP TO BE CONVERTED #Nᵀᴴ)” if it becomes a multi-part conversion update.

      the walls and floors are CP AT if i remember correctly, that’s why they still work. (Actually.. I can’t remember)

      this mod will probably be next after I’m done converting, “curved tanks”
    2. ASTERR0321
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      ah I get it. Thank you so much for your updating!! I'm really looking forward to it, I know it takes quite a lot of time to update them, and I don't mean to be pushy about it <3
    3. woollysheep
      • premium
      • 105 kudos
      :D ^^b
  6. farmer0wren
    • supporter
    • 10 kudos
    Now we know that AT is the only way to go. DGA has been rendered obsolete. I'm still trying to use but is difficult when it won't read it :(
    1. woollysheep
      • premium
      • 105 kudos
      Will convert this at some point
    2. farmer0wren
      • supporter
      • 10 kudos
      Thanks for replying :) Hopefully soon :D know you're busy.
  7. Alkmayix
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, when I download update 1.0.5 I do not have the newly added items with the AT version of the mod. Is there no way to get the new stuff with AT, because I cannot use DGA due to most of my other mods not working with it and requiring JA.
    1. woollysheep
      • premium
      • 105 kudos
      hi, may i know which mods are in conflict with DGA?

      Can I use this alongside Json Assets?
      Yes, Dynamic Game Assets was designed in a way that allows it to co-exist with JA, since the transition period to getting everything using this might be a while.

      (*) Shirts may act up with Json Assets installed. They might render funny, they might crash you from running out of GPU memory. I have no idea why. Try not to use DGA shirts if you have JA installed.

      it would seem there's no known conflict between DGA and JA aside from DGA shirts, and 
      DGA version of PPJA, which is known to be buggy (it was machine-converted and never bugtested)

      might be able to do an AT version but only for items without custom function(s)/animation(s) that are not present in available-to-player vanilla base objects + items that match up in tile sizes; so probably only stuff like the:

      • flower glass vase,
      • slippers,
      • floor joints,
      • wall mirror(?),
      • wall towel(?),
      • no function toilet,
      • no function basins,
      the rest are too big in size if i remember correctly
    2. Alkmayix
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Raffadax is the first one I can name, I use over 200 mods so going through them all will take me a good bit to do. Some of the PPJA mods also don't and those aren't all "updated" to work with DGA, PPJA like you mention is a bit hit and miss with what does and doesn't work though. I don't get the whole out of memory errors when I would try either I'd CTD.
    3. woollysheep
      • premium
      • 105 kudos
      when you say
      when I download update 1.0.5 I do not have the newly added items with the AT version of the mod
      do you mean the screens/partitions? Or everything (aside from washing machine looms) because you've uninstalled/never had DGA?
    4. Alkmayix
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I mean the new ones added in 1.0.5 specifically, so the new screens. I was using the 1.0.4 version of this until I saw there was an update for your mod.
    5. woollysheep
      • premium
      • 105 kudos
      the new screens are AT of the glass screens, will be under these

      i don't understand how you'd be able to use those without DGA though

      off the top of my head, AT-only would be these items:

      • flower glass vase,
      • slippers,
      • floor joints,
      • wall mirror(?),
      • wall towel(?),
      • no function toilet,
      • no function basins,

      could do it if you're interested in these
    6. Alkmayix
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ah so I would actually need DGA then. I could try installing it again and see what error/errors I get from SMAPI, I really enjoy the work you've put into this mod so far and missing out on things sucks, but that's not your fault. Coding sometimes just does that. The slippers and such that work normally with AT I've had working before without issues. So I was not seeing more things than I thought then, anyways I'll try putting DGA in my game again to see what it does now. But I expect at least a few errors from it.
  8. PrismaticSnakeBomb
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    okayyyyyy-- those plants. i wish for those lilac plants. which items for the AT shall make those purple-luscious become reality (i dont know that luscious means-- google does not prove any answers)
    1. woollysheep
      • premium
      • 105 kudos

      Glass Flower Vase (Thin) 
      Glass Flower Vase (Wide)

      ^ bottom left ^

      DGA addition, and AT of those in this mod ^^
  9. beachinbrunette
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Love this! When I click on the bathtub, it opens up my inventory. Am I supposed to be able to put things in the tub?
    1. woollysheep
      • premium
      • 105 kudos

      The ones with blue overlay are fish tanks, but because it’s curved…….. fish would clip graphic wise when they swim

      …Looks better with just base/bottom fish tank stuff 
  10. chleiya
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
    Hi, love the mod. But I have no idea how to get the aquarium looking wall?
    1. woollysheep
      • premium
      • 105 kudos
      Hey, thanks :D 

      do you see it in the furniture catalogue? Is everything else present? 

      “Shower (Aqua W0, Long drain)”, it’s a fish tank, so the category/position in the catalogue……

      the screenshot ^ is catalogue’s first tab. It should be in the last tab (lamp plant) as well. Shower base is a bed, so it can only be found in the first tab (book)

      Should be in robin’s shop as well, haven’t checked ><!
    2. chleiya
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      gawd, I feel so embarrased. I was looking for tank. I will try again. Thanks
    3. chleiya
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      gawd, I feel so embarrased. I was looking for tank. I will try again. Thanks
    4. woollysheep
      • premium
      • 105 kudos
      Ooo cool, no worries \o/