Smart Building Dups

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  1. yiyan0
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, Sorry to disturb you,I would like to ask your picture of the items bar above the icon is which mod?They look very convenient,Thank you very much!
    1. farmer0wren
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      They are wonderful! (CP x AT) Shyzie's String Lights at Stardew Valley Nexus - Mods and community ( There is also a Solid Foundations version. I have both because either you can let Robin build them (then you cannot adjust them with Precise Furniture) or you can use the version (CPxAT) I linked (you can move them).
    2. yiyan0
      • member
      • 0 kudos

      I quite agree with you, this is a very beautiful mod. Maybe it's the way I said it before(My English is not very good),I'm not asking which mod your computer icon points to, what is in the screenshot in the line above the project bar.I tagged the picture so that I wouldn't get lost again.(I am really sorry, English is not my mother tongue, I try to use translation software)😭
    3. farmer0wren
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      OH that's Toolbar Icons at Stardew Valley Nexus - Mods and community ( It gives quick (one click) access to some normal and some modded tools like GCMC, Smart Building, etc.
    4. yiyan0
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you very much!!! Have a nice day!!!❤️