Announcement - Modding Future

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Hey guys! Tai here and I wanted to explain what's going on behind the scenes so you guys know more about the future of my mods. As many users know (or not) I am a random person who makes pixel art about the Stardew Valley universe and I share it with all of you, to have more fun playing with my content (even if incomplete). Last year I had such great free time working on Vanilla Tweaks and finally releasing it in February as a start of the month gift featuring many in-game items. There are about 350 items and I worked on it for 3 months I think? But I've uploaded a lot with enough content to enjoy, and I know people want something complete and well done.
Unfortunately this year things are not like last year because more things are coming for me, in my personal life, so I can't do what I want and when I want, just as school and my own future as a person, but I really want to do more for everyone who follows me and likes my work. Starting with Stranger Machines, a kid's dream created from a small idea and me wanting to update it and stuff. Vanilla Tweaks needing food, fish and swords.

I'll keep working on it, slowly but I will, and I appreciate every comment and feedback you guys have given me all this time. Thank you so much for everything, really.
To wrap up, here is the Stardew starter house I made for fun. (I've never done houses before.)


  1. junimods
    • premium
    • 4,829 kudos
    This looks great! Good luck with everything!
    1. mrtaiyou
      • premium
      • 508 kudos
  2. urusigh
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    this house looks really cute!! love your art <3 !! please take your time and enjoy your personal life, theres no need to rush :) !!
    1. mrtaiyou
      • premium
      • 508 kudos
      THANK U SO MUCH OMG!! <3
  3. Nuclear3D
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Strange machines is great i hope you can continue work on it but if not and not to sound like i think you wont finish it or you have to maybe you could put out the source code for your mod so in the unfortunate event that you cant finish it its out there for someone else to pick up.