Stardew Valley

Author's Note (last updated 9/8/2023)
all i sell is LIES AND DECEIT

my b

Author's Note (last updated 8/1/2023)
small update for hiatus: hiatus almost over. going to an anime convention because i'm embracing the full weeb for a week despite not seeing a new anime in almost a year. update for katrielle is set, but wanted to relax a little bit longer since i focused on not-katrielle things. blasphemy, i know.

V1.2.2 update is set for roughly latter half of August, which is p neato

Author's Note (last updated 6/30/2023)
gotten some fanart on Discord and now twitter. I love it a bunch, whether it's scuffed mspaint, memes, or fanart with hours of care, I love them all. fanart is very neato. If you got some of Katrielle, please send it to either my Twitter, Toastie's Twitter, or shoot me a message on Nexus. Only if you want to. (please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please)

Author's Note (last updated 6/24/2023)
hiatus time because im actually playing the game i made a mod for lmao

Author's Note (last updated 6/19/2023)
as the young whippersnappers say, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD FROG i think

Thank you Nino Kito for checking out Katrielle, t'was a fun stream :]

Author's Note (last updated 6/12/2023)
front page of Stardew's nexus page is pretty coo

(in all seriousness thank you so much for the support, means a lot to both of us <3)

Author's Note (6/9/2023)
only took two years for what should have taken four months max, but a snail's pace is still moving forward. :]

also happy birthday Katrielle! Just in time for your release.


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