- Refine results Found 67 results. 856 have been filtered out. Currently filtering by: tags. (Clear filters)
Optimized Tweaks S.2 - Improved Performance Reduced Stutter Lower Latency Better Frametimes
Proper solution to improve performance and stuttering issues, while maintaining visual quality. It boosts CPU and GPU efficiency, reduces latency, accelerates loading and boot times. It also enhances streaming and memory management. Remarkably, in some areas of the game it can increase FPS by 3-10 frames, depending on your hardware and settings.
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Optimized Tweaks S.2 - Improved Performance Reduced Stutter Lower Latency Better Frametimes
Proper solution to improve performance and stuttering issues, while maintaining visual quality. It boosts CPU and GPU efficiency, reduces latency, accelerates loading and boot times. It also enhances streaming and memory management. Remarkably, in some areas of the game it can increase FPS by 3-10 frames, depending on your hardware and settings.
Maklane's Better gunfights 2.5 - NO Aimbot NPCs
Tired of NPC aimbot from hundreds of metres away? Bullets are chasing you through the trees and you can't enjoy the gunfights? Would you like ranged fights to last longer? Then this mod is for you!
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Maklane's Better gunfights 2.5 - NO Aimbot NPCs
Tired of NPC aimbot from hundreds of metres away? Bullets are chasing you through the trees and you can't enjoy the gunfights? Would you like ranged fights to last longer? Then this mod is for you!
Balanced Preset & individual mutants -20%/-40%/-60%/-80% HP pool, so that you can have full control over how tanky or squishy you want the mutants to be
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Balanced Preset & individual mutants -20%/-40%/-60%/-80% HP pool, so that you can have full control over how tanky or squishy you want the mutants to be
Reasonable Weapon Degradation by VAXIS
Reasonable Degradation of Weapons found in the zone.
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Reasonable Weapon Degradation by VAXIS
Reasonable Degradation of Weapons found in the zone.
Axxii's Stealth Mod (Patch ready)
This mod aims to fix the "stealth" in this game, making harder for NPCs to spot you on different weather conditions and different player positions (walk, crouch, etc.)
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Axxii's Stealth Mod (Patch ready)
This mod aims to fix the "stealth" in this game, making harder for NPCs to spot you on different weather conditions and different player positions (walk, crouch, etc.)
Maklane's Better Zone - Total Overhaul
Tired of venturing into The Zone feeling that everything is unfair? Sick of enemies shooting at you with Aimbot from afar? Do the mechanics feel too arcadey? Then this mod is for you!
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Maklane's Better Zone - Total Overhaul
Tired of venturing into The Zone feeling that everything is unfair? Sick of enemies shooting at you with Aimbot from afar? Do the mechanics feel too arcadey? Then this mod is for you!
Shay's - Living Zone (SLZ) - an A-Life ( alife ) mod
a full immersive A-Life overhaul made for ALL available game versions.Increased patrols, realistic battle scenarios, adjusted spawn sizes, HUGE collection of add-ons tailored for players taste, constant updates and more to come!!1.0.3 and below is old files, 1.1.0 and above is main fileno impact on performance
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Shay's - Living Zone (SLZ) - an A-Life ( alife ) mod
a full immersive A-Life overhaul made for ALL available game versions.Increased patrols, realistic battle scenarios, adjusted spawn sizes, HUGE collection of add-ons tailored for players taste, constant updates and more to come!!1.0.3 and below is old files, 1.1.0 and above is main fileno impact on performance
Grok's Economy and Difficulty Fix Attempt
Reworks the game difficulty and economy: expensive repairs, almost no armor/gun degradation, less expensive upgrades, less tanky enemies, less ammo and consumables found, less expensive ammo, more expensive consumables, increased story rewards, less grenade spams.
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Grok's Economy and Difficulty Fix Attempt
Reworks the game difficulty and economy: expensive repairs, almost no armor/gun degradation, less expensive upgrades, less tanky enemies, less ammo and consumables found, less expensive ammo, more expensive consumables, increased story rewards, less grenade spams.
Maklane's Better Weights Balance
Three separate mods to balance the weight of grenades, consumables such as food, drink and medicine, and ammunition. You will still need some inventory management!
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Maklane's Better Weights Balance
Three separate mods to balance the weight of grenades, consumables such as food, drink and medicine, and ammunition. You will still need some inventory management!
Expand your armory: Use almost any scope on any gun, customize every part of unique and standard weapons, and do it all without compatibility patches or merges. Includes extensive animation support, full use of the attachment selector, adjusted inventory icons, and more.
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Expand your armory: Use almost any scope on any gun, customize every part of unique and standard weapons, and do it all without compatibility patches or merges. Includes extensive animation support, full use of the attachment selector, adjusted inventory icons, and more.
STALKER 2 OMEGA - Modular Enhanced Zone Experience
All-in-one essential solution for enhanced STALKER 2 experience. Improves almost all aspects of the game.
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STALKER 2 OMEGA - Modular Enhanced Zone Experience
All-in-one essential solution for enhanced STALKER 2 experience. Improves almost all aspects of the game.
This mod adds new lootable items and consumables that can be found in Zone.
Medkits and Consumables Rebalance
Medkits heal slower making fights more brutal, Bandages don't heal, Food heals very slowly, Energy Drinks weaker but effect last longer, vodka stamina penalties last longer, vodka armor buff decreased a little.
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Medkits and Consumables Rebalance
Medkits heal slower making fights more brutal, Bandages don't heal, Food heals very slowly, Energy Drinks weaker but effect last longer, vodka stamina penalties last longer, vodka armor buff decreased a little.
A comprehensive overhaul of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 gameplay systems with multi-layered balancing and difficulty at the forefront. Includes complex item generators for handling loot balance, Integrated community mod support balanced, New Armors, New Upgrades, New consumables, rebalanced economy structure based on game design documents & more
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A comprehensive overhaul of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 gameplay systems with multi-layered balancing and difficulty at the forefront. Includes complex item generators for handling loot balance, Integrated community mod support balanced, New Armors, New Upgrades, New consumables, rebalanced economy structure based on game design documents & more
NOW COMPATIBLE WITH 1.2 - The same weapons from Heart of Chornobyl, but now better, more lethal and realistic against the Zone’s faunas. Say no to tanky mutants with this mod - just don’t forget what Gaffer told you about fellow stalkers in the Zone…
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NOW COMPATIBLE WITH 1.2 - The same weapons from Heart of Chornobyl, but now better, more lethal and realistic against the Zone’s faunas. Say no to tanky mutants with this mod - just don’t forget what Gaffer told you about fellow stalkers in the Zone…
Better Vaulting (Ledge Grabbing) - Better Stamina Usage
UPDATED FOR PATCH 1.2.1 - NINE different configurations to choose from!Sick of Skif struggling to climb over fences and boxes? This mod fixes that. Also includes my Better Stamina Usage mod.Overhauls vaulting height/mechanics and overall stamina consumption rates (Sprint for longer) for a better gameplay experience.
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Better Vaulting (Ledge Grabbing) - Better Stamina Usage
UPDATED FOR PATCH 1.2.1 - NINE different configurations to choose from!Sick of Skif struggling to climb over fences and boxes? This mod fixes that. Also includes my Better Stamina Usage mod.Overhauls vaulting height/mechanics and overall stamina consumption rates (Sprint for longer) for a better gameplay experience.
Reduce the burden of carrying items without sacrificing immersion and the purpose of the weight system
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Reduce the burden of carrying items without sacrificing immersion and the purpose of the weight system
I overhauled the Human NPC Combat Actions. I wanted them to be more varied and try to give them the appearance of more intelligence . Sequences for advancing, cover fire, lookout, suppression, flank, escape, evade actions. They have some conditions that change them depend on fail chance percentages. This also helps with de-aggression in A-Life mods
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I overhauled the Human NPC Combat Actions. I wanted them to be more varied and try to give them the appearance of more intelligence . Sequences for advancing, cover fire, lookout, suppression, flank, escape, evade actions. They have some conditions that change them depend on fail chance percentages. This also helps with de-aggression in A-Life mods
Maklane's Better Mutants - Fear and Fair
Tired of burning gunpowder to kill a piece of meat? Getting bored standing on a box? Pigs still won't fly? Then this mod is for you!
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Maklane's Better Mutants - Fear and Fair
Tired of burning gunpowder to kill a piece of meat? Getting bored standing on a box? Pigs still won't fly? Then this mod is for you!
A simple modification to the game's difficulty that reduces the repair cost by half.